Divine dreams the dream, they labor in vain
who dream it. Affi rm: Let the Divine Design of my life fl ash into my conscious mind. Let me see clearly the perfect plan.
The conscious mind must be redeemed
from its wrong thinking by giving it the
right ideas to work from the superconscious.
You may desire something that is not in the
Divine Plan, and you fi nd you are continually
blocked in its manifestation; or if you attain
it, it brings only unhappiness and misfor-
tune. Health, wealth, love, and perfect self-
expression are the square of life and are for
each individual, but the way of manifestation
belongs to the Great Designer.
For example, the store sends two sweat-
ers instead of the particular one the customer
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ordered. She picked one she had not at first
selected and liked this one much better. After
that she gladly left the selection of everything in life to Infinite Intelligence. The Universal Power is in my ship. I now sail fearlessly in unknown seas.
Many people are afraid of new undertak-
ings. They are panic-stricken by the idea of
doing something different, even though old
conditions are unbearable. Sail joyously in
unknown seas; arrive in your promised land.
People wear out doing the same things every
day. Have some interesting recreation to use a
new set of brain cells. In order to be successful, the element of play must enter into what you
are doing.
Let the ideal be the only reality in your
life—then the obstacles and hindrances will
melt away, as you are undisturbed by them.
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Bringing Your Future into the Now
The Spirit is Pure Intelligence, upon which
man draws to tune in. Do not limit yourself
to a one-station radio of life. Tune in with
Infinite Intelligence. Look with amazement at
that which is before you.
With the fixed idea that your supply comes
from Infinite Intelligence, you will always be
provided for, in both big and little ways. The
big things in life will come easily if you have no doubts or fears. So live fully in today, and bring your future into the now.
“ Behold, I say unto you, lift
up your eyes and look on the
fields; for they are white
already to harvest.”
— J O H N 4 : 3 5
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“Faith is simply knowing
that God can do it.”
Hebrews 11:1 says: “Now faith is the sub-
stance of things hoped for, the evidence of
things not seen.” This is a scientifi c statement, for as we live in a sea of magnetic force, called mind-stuff, what we imagine is impressed
upon this sensitive substance and crystallizes, sooner or later, on the external. The experiences you meet in life are your own creations.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said, “A man’s
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life is the history of his fears.” Why not make it the history of your faith so someday you can say, “This is the health that faith built! This is the wealth that faith built! This is the success and happiness that faith built!”
Doubts and fears are sins, for they im-
press negative pictures on the mind-stuff and
bring lack, limitation, or disaster to pass. Have faith in the affi rmations you use. Never use a statement that does not give you a feeling of
Faith is like the Gulf Stream, a river fl ow-
ing through the ocean. Faith brings warmth
and will change conditions for you.
For example, a woman came to me with
the appearance of a fl esh growth. It was quite noticeable and long-standing, but she had perfect faith that it could be healed. Weeks passed 56
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The House That Faith Built