Williams’s poem “To Elsie,” which appeared in the 1923 volume Spring and All .
I am deeply grateful to those who, as interviewees, reviewers, or correspondents, provided me with insight and assistance: Claudio Aporta, Henry Beer, Véronique Bohbot, George Dyson, Gerhard Fischer, Mark Gross, Katherine Hayles, Charles Jacobs, Joan Lowy, E. J. Meade, Raja Parasuraman, Lawrence Port, Jeff Robbins, Jeffrey Rowe, Ari Schulman, Evan Selinger, Betsy Sparrow, Tim Swan, Ben Tranel, and Christof van Nimwegen.
The Glass Cage is the third of my books to have been guided by the editorial hand of Brendan Curry at W. W. Norton. I thank Brendan and his colleagues for their work on my behalf. I am indebted as well to my agent, John Brockman, and his associates at Brockman Inc. for their wise counsel and support.
Some passages in this book appeared earlier, in different forms, in the Atlantic , the Washington Post , MIT Technology Review , and my blog, Rough Type.
Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
Abbott, Kathy, 55
automotive, 7, 70, 91, 153, 154–55, 207, 208
plane, 43–45, 54, 55, 154, 169–70
accountants, accounting firms, 76–77
action, human, 85, 132, 147–51, 160, 210, 213–14, 215, 217, 218
hierarchy of, 65–66
Adams, Thomas, 191
adaptive automation, 165
Addiction by Design (Schüll), 179 n
agriculture, 218, 222
Airbus A320 passenger jet, 50–52, 154
Airbus Industrie, 50–52, 168, 169–70
Air Force, U.S., 173
Air France Airbus A330, 45, 54, 169–70
airlines, 1, 43–46, 53–55, 59, 168–70, 172–73
air-traffic control, 170
Albaugh, James, 59
alert fatigue, 104
algorithms, 116–22
ethics and, 183–84, 186–87
predictive, 116–17, 123, 198
Amazon, 118, 195
American Health Information Community, 94
American Machinist , 34, 174
Andreessen, Marc, 40
Android, 153, 199
body-object blending in, 150–51
killing of, 183–84, 185
animal studies, 87–92, 133, 219
antiaircraft guns, 35–36, 37, 41
anxiety, 14, 16, 19, 59, 220
Aporta, Claudio, 126–27
Apple, 41, 118, 136, 203
apprenticeship, 109, 113, 147
apps, 12, 13, 17, 33, 40, 91, 133, 202
gamification and, 179 n
see also specific apps
architects, architecture, 12, 69, 137–48, 167
“Are Human Beings Necessary?” (Russell), 39
Arendt, Hannah, 108, 227–28
Aristotle, 144, 224, 226
Army Air Forces, U.S., 49
Aronowitz, Stanley, 27–28
Arthur, W. Brian, 196–97
Arthur D. Little, 37
artificial intelligence, 111, 113, 118–20, 187
artistic skills, 10, 85
Asimov, Isaac, 184, 189, 257 n
Asimov’s Rules of Robotics, 184, 257 n
assembly lines, 34, 38, 39, 195
Associated Press, 29, 58
attention, 200, 219
attentional capacity, 90–91
attentional tunneling, 200–201, 202
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, 220
automaticity, 81–85, 105–6
automatic transmission, 4, 5–6, 13–14
automation, 1–21, 30, 32–40, 59
attempts to rein in, 170–72
elements that characterize, 36
faith in, 65–66
fallacy about, 67
flight, 43–63, 100
in health care, 93–106
hierarchy of, 110–11
human- vs. technology-centered view of, 153–75
important and unsettling direction of, 193–99
invention and definition of word, 34–35, 237 n
limits of, 10–11
tool-user bond weakened by, 223
Yerkes-Dodson law and, 90–91
see also specific topics
Automation (Illingworth cartoon), 19, 33
Automation and Management (Bright), 111–12
automation bias, 67–72, 122
automation complacency, 67–69, 71, 72, 74
Automation: Friend or Foe? (Macmillan), 19–20
automation paradox, 91
Automation Specialties, 174
“Automation Surprises” (Sarter, Woods, and Billings), 162
automatization (proceduralization), 81–85
autonomy, 38, 61, 106, 108, 128, 131
autopilot, 43–63, 153, 154
Autor, David, 32
aviation, 43–63, 91, 100, 137–38, 215, 223
technology- vs.