something they’d like to do with you. If you’d like to do that with them then you should suggest it, this could put you so high up in their good-books that you’ll be living happily ever after. But if there’s something that you feel they really want to do that you don’t like the sound of then you need to tell them so they know. If they find out further down the line, you could both end up getting more hurt than you needed to.
A quick side note: This definitely applies in the bedroom too. There may be things you or your partner want to try or have tried before that the other isn’t comfortable with. You can’t demand they do this, but you can request and if they like the sound of it then that’s great. If not then you shouldn’t ever pressure them into doing anything, if you’re looking for someone who enjoys different things in the bedroom and you can’t do without those things then you need to stop the relationship before you’re tempted to look elsewhere.
*Bonus Chapter*
Dos and Don’ts of Texting in Relationships
The modern world has seen a drastic change in the way we communicate with each other in our day to day lives. The more I think about it there more I wonder why people still send letters and birthday cards. What’s the point? Just send a nice text..
When it comes to relationships more and more couples are becoming very reliant on their mobile phones for communication and this is risky business. I am 100% happy that we are so privileged to have such amazing technology at our hands; I owe a lot to it. But in the wrong hands, texting can certainly ruin relationships. Texting can be a great way to keep things alive in a relationship and really get your partner wanting more of you. Not to mention how good texting is for when you’re not actually with anyone yet and you want to be. Texting takes the pressure off actual phone calls and gives you time to think about your responses carefully. But don’t be fooled, texting is a serious safety hazard in a relationship.
Right, the main problem with texting is that it can really bring out your insecurities, or your partner’s. Simple texting mistakes can get either of you all worried and wondering what the hell is going on, even if the text was suppose to be nice:
1. Don’t get into the habit – I’ve put this one first because I genuinely think it’s the most important thing any new couple should know about texting:
If you find yourselves texting back and forth a lot, near enough all day every day. Then you need to stop right now. Talk to each other about this, but don’t let it carry on any longer. As I’ve already said one text can ruin a relationship, so if you’re texting constantly then that one text could crop up a few too many times. Things like sarcasm and playful banter through texts can often be misunderstood and this could cause huge arguments and genuinely upset one of you. I’m not saying don’t use texts to be playful, just be extremely careful when you do.
The other side to getting into the habit of texting is getting used to it. You’re going to get used to texting each other all the time. All day every day, knowing that every time you send a text, you’ll get a reply. It’s a nice feeling, and that’s why so many new couples fall into the trap. Knowing that where ever you are and whatever you’re doing you can just send a text and have a chat. Lovely. But wait, why haven’t they text me back? What are they doing? Why aren’t they replying they always reply?! It’s been over half an hour and I’ve still not had a text, where are they? Who are they with?
Do you see what I mean?
OK obviously this isn’t going to happen to everyone. But when we get used to something for a long period of time our brains and bodies learn to expect it. Then if it is suddenly taken away from us this creates conflict throughout our brains and bodies and we can often react very strongly to it