door. “I must find a courier to bring this to him at once.”
“I’ll do it.”
“I beg your pardon?”
Abigail left the cushioned embrace of the armchair and the fireplace’s warmth. “I’ll do it. I’ll take Dr. Valerian’s notes to him. That lecture hall is walking distance from here.” Her father spoke at the college several times when he sought to raise funding for his missions.
Dr. Valerian’s servant gave a vehement shake of his head. “I cannot simply give the doctor’s notes to a stranger and trust they will be delivered safely.”
“But you are giving them to a stranger, the courier. That is, if you can find one in time. I can make it to that college before eleven-thirty if I leave now.”
The man’s right eye twitched again. “Young lady, what did you say your name was?”
“I’m Abigail Benton.”
“Why should I entrust you with these notes?”
“I’ve come here seeking work. It involves making sure Dr. Valerian has everything he needs, including his notes. Let me demonstrate that I’m a suitable candidate.”
He cast a second worried glance at the clock. “You’re right. There isn’t time to send for a courier. Remain here.” He left the waiting area again and returned with an envelope. He placed the notes inside. “This may be the most confounded thing I have ever done, but I trust you to personally see that this gets to Dr. Valerian. If you fail in any way, I can lose my position.”
“We won’t have that.” Abigail took the envelope from him. “I spent an hour standing in line at the employment office. I couldn’t bear to subject anyone else to the experience.”
Without waiting to be shown to the door, Abigail saw herself out and started her brisk pace for the lecture hall. She pulled her scarf tighter about her neck with one hand while clutching Dr. Valerian’s notes with the other.
She passed people on the streets, darting between pedestrians and newsboys still selling the morning edition on the corner. She hurried up three blocks, breezing through a standing flock of pigeons and sidestepping a pile of rubbish spilling from the gutter before the college stood before her across the street. She walked through the door of the lecture hall.
An attendant met her inside. “Your ticket, Miss.” He looked about her as though he were searching for her escort. Of the handful of ladies that were present, all of them hung on the arm of a gentleman.
She raised the envelope before the attendant’s eyes. “I’m Dr. Valerian’s acting assistant. I’m here to deliver his lecture notes.”
“He’s in his office. Next hall, fourth door on your left. Say, what happened to Ollie Pickens?”
“Valerian’s first assistant.”
“I wasn’t told. Excuse me.” Abigail left the lobby and followed the attendant’s directions to Dr. Valerian’s office. She knocked on the fourth door.
“Yes, what is it?” The now familiar voice answered from the inside. Abigail imagined she saw a flurry of small movements through the frosted glass window.
She opened the door and stuck her head in. The movements turned out to be papers. Sheets of them, flying in the air, falling to the floor, getting caught in the crevices of the bookcases and furniture. “Dr. Valerian?”
One last sheet made its descent before his silver-blond head appeared from behind the desk, though his back was towards the door. “I said, what is it? The demonstration begins in five minutes and I can’t find my notes.”
Abigail stepped inside. “I have your notes.”
Dr. Valerian finally turned. He stared at her for a moment before recognition settled upon his refined features. “You’re that clerk at the apothecary.”
“I no longer work there.” Raising on her toes, she tipped through the spaces between the sheets of paper blanketing half the floor. She extended her hand to give him the envelope.
He took and opened it. “How did you come by my notes?”
“I visited your address this