later, they figured that there was no harm in trying, no matter how bizarre the whole thing sounded to them. And as far as the “Elders” thing, they did look a little older than Nathan, but hardly like the old wizened image we would have of elders. I surmised that their true age didn’t really come through in this physical form.
The one that happened to look most like an older version of Nathan stood up as he addressed me.” Since you brought this to our attention, Kiley, we would like to give you the option of picking the man with whom you wish to conduct this demonstration.”
“Um…demonstration?”, was all I could say.
“Yes, who do you pick to do this thing with?” Well, one thing at a time I reasoned. As far as who, my mind was already made up on that front. I had already made quite a connection with Nathan. “You may pick the male and we will also offer you the right to raise this child yourself if the seed takes in your womb. Of course, if it does in fact take, we will remove the new combination so that it may gestate in a Lacken. It’s the only way that we can keep an eye on any degenerative markers and make the necessary adjustments. We have also seen the full-of-baby form of your woman. We had wondered how you had reached that state. It appears most cumbersome and inconvenient. The Lacken will remove that inconvenience.” Man, someone should invent poetry for these guys, I thought, because they sure had a way of making the beautiful sound ugly.
“Well, I pick Nathan, as he calls himself with me,” I said, as I pointed to him. “But I have no intention of getting…” Even as I spoke the Elders were sitting up in their chairs in unison, almost as if they needed to vie for position to get a look.
“Whoa,” I said to throw some water on their collective curiosity. “I’m not about to take off my clothes and just do it in front of the whole room.” The truth was actually that I was about ready to do just that, but I was holding onto my last shreds of inhibitions. They were fading fast though as the “I’ll-fuck-anybody-tocin” running through my veins, was almost completely in control now. What I said, however, was “I’m going to need some privacy, or the deal is off. If you want my cooperation at all, then you will follow my wishes to the letter.” They seemed to honestly be concerned for my feelings and welfare and soon I got nods of approval that told me that they were willing to work within my rules. “I’m glad that you understand. I will take Nathan back to the room that I was in and we’ll just see what happens.” By this time I had seen several men that were making my loins ache and it was all I could do not to jump on any one of them, or even just on all of them at once. It had to have been that their particular DNA was triggering some primal mating instincts, I theorized. Either that or I should have called this place Planet Lust, as opposed to Planet Clueless. It was hard to say which name would win out.
It could have also been some pheromones that were making them irresistible to me. They probably didn’t even know that they were doing it. That was similar to my DNA theory, but different, really. It could have been a side effect to having a human in their midst. Whatever was going on, the result was that I wanted to fuck like I had never wanted to fuck before.
“We are having a bit of confusion as to why you feel you would need privacy, but we have seen that it is something your people seem to value. You do realize that you would be doing the exact same things whether you were in front of us or alone, right?”, they asked me. “You would also be feeling the same things as well as saying the same things. Everything would be the same, would it not? So, you can see why are having trouble understanding the need for ‘privacy’ as you call it. Although we are a bit perplexed as to this need to be alone, we will grant it, as it seems to be important to you. It is