try to break our contract. And if you start feeling sorry for yourself, like you’ve been picked on unjustly, remember that you put yourself in this position by screwing around with other people’s money. Vladic’s just the only one capable of cooking you over a slow fire for a month before he starts to really hurt you.”
Russo sank even further back into his chair. He ran his hands back over his slicked-back hair and let out a long, slow breath. Hicks knew he was still looking for that exit; that escape hatch that would get him out from under all of this. The OMNI profile said he would. The profile also said Russo would accept the bit in time, but he’d buck before he did it. “When does this special relationship of yours start?”
“It started the moment I walked into this office. I’ll let you know what I need and when I need it. It might be tonight. It might be never. I’ll never ask you for anything you can’t deliver, so don’t waste time by making excuses if I call. Vladic gets an email. And if I contact you, don’t get smart by asking me any details about our discussion here today. I’ll just assume you’re trying to record me or you have someone listening in. If that happens, Vladic gets an email. Understand?”
Russo closed his eyes and nodded.
“That’s not an answer,” Hicks said.
“Yes, goddamn you. Yes, I understand.”
Hicks slipped his ski cap back on as he stood up and went to the door. He didn’t worry about fingerprints because he’d never taken off his gloves. He’d never handled the file he’d given Russo without wearing gloves, either.
He paused before he reached for the knob. “I know you’re going to have some sleepless nights over this. But I’ve been doing this a long time and I know how to make this painless for all of us. Do as you’re told and you’ll make a lot of money in the bargain. And if it matters, you can find comfort in the fact that you really never had a choice.” He finished it off with a smile. “I’ll be in touch. And remember, I’ll be watching.”
Hicks made sure he gave the receptionist a furtive waive as he went for the elevator. He was sure she didn’t notice, but it was good to stay in character.
A S SOON as Hicks got outside, he saw the weather had taken a turn for the worse. Cold wind and heavy snow whipped around him as he crossed Forty-fifth Street toward the MetLife Building on his way to catch the subway at Grand Central. The storm was blowing in right on time, but Hicks didn’t mind. The wind and the snow only made him feel more alive than he already did.
Hooking a new Asset always made his day. He imagined salespeople felt the same way after closing a deal. Only this was much better. Because Hicks’ thrill wasn’t just over closing a deal on a house or selling merchandise. It came from bending a strong person to his will and making them do his bidding. It was a power trip. A boost to his ego. And an essential part of the University’s success.
As always, Hicks’ happiness was tempered by reality. Despite all his threats, there was always a risk that an Asset might do something drastic like kill himself. Russo’s OMNI profile showed a low likelihood of suicide, but not even the University’s biometric analytics could predict what a man might do when blackmailed.
Either way, Russo’s ego would require some soothing pretty soon; more carrot than stick to appeal to the same greed that had put him in a position to be blackmailed in the first place. Hicks made a note to let Russo move some of the New York Office’s fund’s money in a day or so. Maybe three or four million to start. Let him make some coin off the commission and see the benefit his new partnership with Hicks could provide.
Hicks had just ridden the escalator from the MetLife Building down into Grand Central when he felt his handheld begin to vibrate in his pocket. He stepped out of the flow of pedestrian traffic and tapped the screen alive.