fog-covered meadow, covered in purplish moonlight.
Thing Two held the gun in his right hand and the shovel in his left. With the gun, he gestured for Nie to follow Thing One.
Nie tried to block out the fear and any thought of escaping. She fought to clear her mind completely, free herself from the cat claws of madness scraping at the backs of her eyes.
It seemed like an eternity before they reached the blood spattered bag of soil.
Thing Two gave her the shovel to hold and he lifted the bag easily with one hand. The same bag Chris had struggled so hard to carry.
The rest of the walk seemed like an eternity.
When they reached the van, Thing One sat the pot at the rear and opened up the doors. He took the bag of soil from Thing Two and unrolled the top of it. The smell that wafted out made Nie gag. She tried her best not to vomit again, but when she saw him dump the “soil” into the pot, she lost it. At this point, it was little more than a dry heave, but it sucked her energy even further.
What came out of the bag looked like entrails and blood, all squishy and glistening. Thing One centered the June tree, positioning it upright. Thing Two handed him the shovel and he packed the offal down around the tree. Then he lifted up the pot and put it in the van, folding the bag back down on the soil and placing that next to the tree. He handed the shovel back to Thing Two and said, “Better keep that up front with you.”
“Should we dose her before we get back on the road?” Thing Two said.
“I’ll let you take care of that.”
Thing Two grabbed her around the arm and pulled her up to the passenger door of the van. He stepped back and continued to hold the gun on Nie.
“Why don’t you reach in there and open up the glove box,” he said.
She opened the door, leaned over the seat and turned the faux chrome knob of the glove compartment, conscious of Thing Two’s eyes burning into her ass.
“Now reach in there and grab that bag.”
She felt around and pulled out a Ziploc bag, its bottom lined with blue pills.
“Pull out two of them things and pop em in yer mouth. We can’t have you goin apeshit on us.”
“I won’t,” she said quietly. “I promise.”
“Why should I believe you?”
She moved closer to Thing Two and said, “If you promise you’ll let me go, I’ll let you fuck me.”
She looked at the bulge in his red running shorts.
“I’ll let your brother fuck me, too.”
A sound blasted behind Nie and she saw the explosion of the gun followed by another blast.
It took her a second to figure out what had happened. The first sound was the van’s horn. The fright had caused Thing Two to pull the trigger but he must have jerked too much because the bullet had missed her.
“I think you better take the pills.”
She reached into the bag and plucked out two of them.
“What are these going to do to me?”
“They’re gonna make you sleep. When you wake up, we’ll be at Mr. Martin’s and you can tell him this here tree’s real.”
“And then you’ll let me go?”
“Just take the pills.”
She put them in her mouth and dry swallowed. One of them went down and one of them stuck on the back of her tongue. She gagged.
Thing Two pressed the gun to her lips.
“Open up,” he said.
She opened her mouth, the pill tickling the back of her throat. Thing Two slid the gun into her mouth, pushing the pill down into her throat. She gagged again as the pill went down and Thing Two pulled the gun out of her mouth.
“Get in the van,” he said.
She climbed into the stink of the June tree’s soil and Thing Two shut the door behind her before hopping into the front seat and shutting his door. Once his door was shut, she heard the automatic locks seal the doors.
That was it , Nie thought. That was my one chance to get away.
The van started and pulled out onto the road.
Nie sat in her seat, watching the two brothers.
Maybe I could bust out a window. Maybe if I went for their eyes. Jesus, I