“You thought only you could create so complex a program, so deep it could not be detected, not be flushed.”
“Someone discovered me.”
“And someone is undoing everything you have done.”
Amalk sobbed openly. “The Alliance. What have I done?”
The droid carried him to the oil bath, dropped him in the vat and held his head above the inky black surface. “Your nephew will arrive in the spaceport tomorrow and will discover your body. An accident. You drowned while trying to help an astromech out of the vat. Your nephew Eld will inherit your shop and inventory. Pick up where you left off—selling droids that spy for the military.” The droid pushed Amalk’s head below the surface, held the old man there while he feebly struggled. “But he will sell to a different clientele. And it is the Empire that will profit from the intelligence network.”
Amalk’s struggles stopped and the droid released the body. It wiped its hands on a towel and returned the shop, finding its place in the line of protocol droids.
It shut itself down.
And it waited.
Roleplaying Game Sourcefile
Type: Customized Imperial Assassin Droid
Blaster 6D+2, brawling parry 2D+2, dodge 4D+2, melee combat 3D+2, running 3D
Alien species 5D, languages 7D, law enforcement 4D+1, planetary systems 3D+1, survival 6D
Con 5D, forgery 4D, persuasion 4D, sneak 4D+2, search 7D+1
Lifting 6D
Computer programming/repair 2D+2, demolitions 5D+1, droid repair 3D+1, security 4D+1
Equipped With:
• Blaster pistol (5D) built into right forearm
• Retractable vibroknife (STR+1D) built Into left forearm
• Garrote (STR+1D) built into left hand
• Hip compartment with demolitions kit
• Macrobinoculars built into photoreceptors ( Perception +2D when viewing faraway areas)
• Recording rod
• Security kit (+1D to security rolls)
• 2 Grenades (5D) stored in leg compartment
Move: 10
Size: 2.0 meters
Cost: Not for sale
Capsule: C1-EZ8 is one of a rare series of droids developed by the Imperial Intelligence’s tech bureau. These assassin droids were designed to infiltrate Rebel cells, though lately they’ve been used by the Ubiqtorate’s Renik counter-intelligence branch to put a stop to Alliance espionage droid operations. Other branches of Imperial Intelligence have requested similar droids, but their assembly is slow—encrypting hidden programs and concealing specialized equipment is not easy or cheap—and few have entered service with other bureaus.
Appearing as a glossy-black protocol droid, Eazy can pass himself off as one; however, he is actually a well-made assassin droid, perceptive and cunning. His built-in tools help him carry out his nefarious missions. Loyalty and combat programming is burled deep inside his processor, so that even repeated memory wipes do not affect his directives.
Quote: “I am fluent in more than three million forms of communication. And I know at least that many ways to kill a man.”
Adventure Ideas
Droids for Sale: The characters are in Mos Eisley and hear about a droid sale at the shop of Eld Wulqpark. The prices are on the low-end of reasonable, and there is a wide variety available. Likely Eld makes the characters a deal too good to turn down. In the end, they purchase one or more droids with Imperial spying programs secretly built in. As they continue their adventures, the Empire is always one step behind them all the way, and closing in. The heroes are left to discover how the Empire seems to know their every move. What can they do to shake the Imperials who are dogging their every step?
Ferreting Mission: Two Rebel bases have been compromised, and they were evacuated just before Imperial forces moved in. Rebel Intelligence agents are certain spies imbedded deep within the Alliance are responsible. The characters are appointed the task of discovering who is leaking information about Rebel