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Book: Snowball Read Online Free
Author: Ellen Miles
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way.” Charles knew that this was exactly the kind of thing that Mom didn’t like about having a dog. But if he and Lizzie helped, maybe giving the puppies a bath could be fun.
    They all went inside to get things ready. Mom ran warm water into the tub. Lizzie ran to the kitchen to get plastic cups for pouring water over the pups, and Charles got some old towels out of the rag bag. Sammy brought Rufus home, then took charge of keeping both puppies busy.
    â€œWe’ll use the Bean’s baby shampoo,” said Mom, once they were all in the bathroom. “It’s nice and mild.” She glanced toward the door. “Let’s make sure that door stays shut so the puppies don’t get out.”
    Goldie watched with interest as everyone hurried around. Something great was going to happen! She could tell!
    Snowball watched, too. Somehow he could tell that all this fuss was about him — which was how things should be. But he wasn’t totally sure that this was a good kind of fuss.
    â€œLet’s get those pups into the tub.” Mom took Goldie from Sammy’s arms and gently lowered her into the water, which came up almost to her belly. Goldie didn’t struggle at all. Her eyes were full of trust. She looked up at the humans, as if to say, “I’m sure you know what you’re doing.”
    Then Mom picked up Snowball. He was not nearly as easygoing as Goldie. He stuck out his legs, trying to keep Mom from putting him in the tub, and let out a few barks.
    The Bean laughed and barked back. “Tubby!” he cried again, leaning in to swish some water around.
    â€œStand back, Mr. Bean,” Mom said. “Lizzie, can you hang on to the Bean? Snowball is having a hard time as it is.” Finally, she lowered Snowballinto the tub. Once he was standing in the warm water, he seemed to relax. “Great!” said Mom. “Okay, let’s get scrubbing!”
    The water in the tub had already turned brown from mud. It got even darker when Charles and Sammy used their cups to pour water on the puppies, wetting them all over. Then Sammy picked up the bottle of baby shampoo and tipped it over Goldie. “Whoops!” he said when he saw how quickly it came out. “Oh, well!” He began scrubbing as Charles poured some shampoo — a little more carefully — over Snowball.
    Soon both dogs were all lathered up. “Now Goldie looks almost as white as Snowball!” Charles said. Goldie was covered in bubbles.
    Mom let the dirty water out and ran some more. As Charles and Sammy began to rinse the squirming puppies, the phone rang. “I’ll get it,” said Lizzie. “Watch the Bean, okay?” She let herself out of the bathroom, carefully closing the door. A moment later, she yelled for Mom. “Phone!”
    Mrs. Peterson wiped her hands on a towel. “Keep rinsing, boys,” she said as she let herself out.
    Sammy and Charles poured cup after cup of water over the puppies. It seemed to be taking forever to get all the bubbles out of their fur. Charles kept an eye on the Bean as he rinsed, but it seemed as if his little brother was busy playing with the bath toys that were lined up on the windowsill.
    Then Charles turned to get some towels, and when he turned back, the Bean was in the tub — clothes and all — with the puppies. “Tubby!” yelled the Bean. “Wash doggie!” He poured a cup of water over his own head. Then he reached for Snowball.
    â€œOh, no,” groaned Charles.
    At that moment, Snowball scrambled out of the tub. The puppy shook himself off, splattering water all over.
    â€œOh, no!” groaned Sammy.
    â€œWhat’s going on?” asked Lizzie, opening the bathroom door.
    Snowball took off, dashing through the door and down the hall. Water sprayed everywhere as he ran.
    â€œOh, no,” groaned Lizzie.
    Goldie scrambled out of the tub and took off after Snowball.
    â€œOh, no,” groaned
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