weren’t the only thing strange about him. Being an Immortal Were meant blending in at all costs, yet Sparrc strove to stand out. He did a damned good job of it, too, with his electric-blue hair, septum piercing, and gothic tattoo circling his neck.
“Left her at the EZ motel. Room’s rented for the night if you wanna drop in. I’m sure she’d be okay with that.”
Sparrc snorted into his drink.
“You’re damn lucky us Immortals can’t contract STDs.”
“I think we’re all lucky we don’t have to worry about that shit.” Cain nodded his head at Blaise’s statement. There were definite perks to being old as hell.
“There ain’t no woman who requires any persuasion from you, Cain. You could tell a bitch you were dying of some sort of new-found gonasyphyilitus and she would still sleep with you. I swear you get more tail than a fucking rabbit.”
Cain smiled. “You’re just jealous. There’s a good reason why I’m damn irresistible.”
“Oh yeah, why’s that?” Blaise scoffed, rolling his working eye.
“’Cause I don’t look like I take it in the ass on a regular basis like you two fuckers.” Cain laughed. The two Werewolves snarled.
“There’s a reason you’re the only fucking cat in these parts, Cain.” Sparrc growled and anger distorted his pale, pierced face. “’Cause you’re the biggest pussy on the planet!” Sparrc jumped across the table, tackling Cain.
Cain took it all in stride, laughing at his friend’s pathetic effort. They all knew Cain could tear them apart with one hand tied behind his back and his eyes blindfolded. The twins were less than two hundred years old. Cain had over eight hundred years on both of them. The tiger bloodline was much rarer than the wolf one, making his behaviors and powers different and that much more valued.
Cain had Sparrc’s electric-blue head pinned to the floor in less than five seconds. The Werewolf screamed for mercy in less than ten. Once Sparrc slung himself back into his chair and Cain collected his from the floor, talk turned from pleasure to business.
“I’m so sick of being stuck up here in this damn cold state. Why couldn’t we be stationed somewhere like Hawaii?” Blaise knocked back a shot.
It was something to wonder about. Since he’d become part of the Eternal Forces five hundred years ago, Cain had been stationed all over the world. Long ago Cain had been promoted to one of the highest ranks available that gave him power over other species in the United Immortals. It hadn’t lasted long. He’d had a falling out with the King of the Weres after having a love affair with his daughter and refusing to marry her.
He’d been demoted, though he didn’t mind. Cain was pretty good about taking things in stride. Living a millennium made a person that way, if they weren’t already. He hadn’t been kicked out of the Eternal Forces and was glad of it. He needed something to do. In truth, he actually enjoyed being just a typical recruit. He didn’t have to worry about anyone’s ass but his own and he had plenty of time to take care of his insatiable sexual appetite.
He flexed his forearm where the permanent ink that bound him to his job jumped with the bulge of his muscle. The symbol of ece annis was the Greek letter Omega with the letter Chi overlaid and connecting in the middle. It was the only permanent thing in Cain’s life. That and his good hair.
“It is really odd they would station you here, Cain. They usually put you in more volatile areas.” This wasn’t the first time one of them had made this comment since arriving in Maine. Cain often wondered the same thing. Never had they stationed him in the northern United States. He typically spent most of his time in the south, in places like Mexico or South America. He’d been shocked three months ago when he got his orders to be relocated.
He liked it in Kittery though, especially since Blaise and Sparrc had been moved with him. They’d been stationed together