parties, the booze, the sex, the drugs if I wanted them -- but I had my hands full with my tattoo shop, and I didn't want to have to fight some angry little guy for the VP slot. He had no idea how I felt, because it was too much fun to watch him strut around thinking that I coveted what he had.
"Bug, you're a fucking idiot. I'm all for selling more crank and raking in more money. I'm just saying that we need to be on the lookout for the fight that's headed our way. That's all I'm saying."
Bug's eyes narrowed, and I could see him start to stand up before J.C. put his hand on Bug's arm to hold him in place. I didn't like J.C., either, but he had more sense than his VP buddy.
"Moses is right." Sally was usually the calming influence in the group. He and Joker were the old men of the MC, and helped hold things together when the volatile egos of drunk bikers threatened the unity of the group. "I'll call Jimmy and let him know that we've decided to step up production to meet their needs and warn them to be alert. I'll tell 'em we'll send folks up if they need backup."
Joker lit another cigarette. "Sounds good. Now we need to deal with the problem of getting enough supplies to make more meth. We're completely tapped out on a couple of ingredients, and I think we should see what more we can get from Don Roberto."
The room was quiet. A couple of the guys had misgivings about our dealings with the Mexican cartel, even though we only brought in small quantities of things that the new laws in the US had made it harder to get. I had no such reservations.
"I'll be the first to volunteer for a field trip. I think there are a few senoritas that I didn't get to when we were down there a few months ago."
"As your president, I'll sacrifice my time to make the trip as well," Joker said, sitting up straighter and acting all formal. "Who else is in?"
Sally looked at the calendar we kept on the wall. "If we wait about a month, I can probably make it a group ride, or if you want to go sooner, I'm out. My old lady is going to visit her sister, and I have to watch her fuckin' dog."
Zeno, usually the quietest member, started laughing. "I think you should throw that yappy fuckin' thing on the grill and come to Mexico. I'm in with Joker and Moses."
The room dissolved into laughter.
"If you three want to go, I'll stay here and hold down the fort," Bug said. "We need to get started building the lab, anyway."
"Makes sense to me," Joker agreed. "So the three of us?" he asked, looking around the room. No one else spoke up. "When can we leave?"
I looked at the calendar in my phone. "I have a few appointments next week, but I can clear some time after that. We could leave this Friday if I can reschedule my Saturday work."
We finalized plans for Mexico, and Joker authorized Bug to access whatever club funds he'd need to get to work on the lab. The new one in Florissant would bring our total to four -- all located way out in the middle of nowhere. Florissant was actually closer to me than any of the other places, since I'd just settled in to the new house I'd built. I hadn't invited any of the Sons over, and I wasn't sure I wanted to. I'd kind of decided that I liked the privacy and having a place that was completely separate from the crazy life I lived with the MC.
"That's enough religion for one day," Joker said when we'd finished all of our weekly business. "Church is over, boys."
We adjourned to the bar, and Angel set up a round of shots for all of us.
"So, Mexico again?" I said to Zeno as we downed the whiskey.
"Hell, yeah," he answered. "Wouldn't miss it. Think we'll be invited to stay at Don Roberto's hacienda?"
I shook my head. "I hope so, but I wouldn't count on it. We're small potatoes compared to the guys they sell weed and coke to. Pseudoephedrine ain't all that exciting or profitable, I don't think."
"Probably right. Wouldn't mind seeing the place, though."
"Me, either. The parties they've had there are legendary. Maybe we should