over South Africa ban
Only a Game
Oregon State University
Owens, Jesse
Owens, Jim
Owens, Terrell
Padgett, Jim
Page, Greg
Patterson, Floyd
Patton, George
Paul, Robert
Peeples, Nat
Perkowski, David
Peterson, Adrian
Pittsburgh Courier
Pitzer, Kenneth
Plant, Marcus
Poage, George
Pont, John
Pope, Clarence
Pope, Steven
Presley, Bob
professional sports
racial identity: as an issue in black athletic revolt at Berkeley shift in focus of athletic activism toward
Rafferty, Max
Ray, Clarence
Raynor, John
Reagan, Ronald
Reed, James
Respond (protest group)
Revolt of the Black Athlete, The
Richardson, Bill
Rieder, Jonathan
Robeson, Paul
Robinson, Earl
Robinson, Jackie
Roby, Douglas: action taken to stem Olympic boycott; on NBA poaching; reaction to Harvard crew support of OPHR warning against Olympic protest
Roche, John
Rodgers, Pepper
Rooney, Art, II
Rovell, Darren
Russell, Bill
Sally Minor Baseball League
Sample, Johnny
San Jose State College
Savannah Citizens
âSay it LoudâIâm Black and Iâm Proudâ (James Brown song)
Sayre, John
Schmeling, Max
school integration: college football as bulwark against history of relationship of sports to
Schuchman, Robert
Seagren, Bob
segregation: college football and the forces of in professional sports
Shanklin, Don
Sharpton, Al
Shinnick, Phil
Shropshire, Ken
Simmons, Blanton
Smith, Bobby
Smith, Pat
Smith, Tommie: cultural ârehabilitationâ of image 1968 Olympic boycott movement and podium salute and post-Olympic career; reaction to Harry Edwards
South Africa: 1968 Olympic ban of
Southeastern Conference (SEC)
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
southern identity: relationship of black southerners to sport and
Southwest Conference
sport: continued racial prejudice in; historical place of black athletes in U.S. sports integration of limitations as a vehicle for black freedom struggle myth of racial progress and NCAAâs response to racial problems in race relations and redefinition of sporting ideal in 1960s; relationship to school integration southern identity and white supremacy and
Sports Illustrated
Sports in America
Spurrier, Steve
Stanback, Haskel
âStar-Spangled Banner, The,â
Steketee, Scott
Student Disturbance Act
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Students for a Democratic Society
Students United for Racial Equality (SURE)
Sullivan, John
Summer Youth Project
Swagerty, Jane
Tannenbaum, Robert
Taylor, Ike
team discipline
Texas Western College.
University of Texas at El Paso
Thomas, Duane
Thomas, Joe
Thomas, John
Thompson, George
(TV show)
Toomey, Bill
Topchik, Jack
Towler, Dan
Tyson, Mike
Tyson, Timothy
Tyus, Wyomia
University of California at Los Angeles
Underwood, John
United Amateur Athletes (UAA)
United States Olympic Committee (USOC): athletesâ rights and response to podium salute stance against Olympic protest
University of Alabama
University of California, Berkeley
University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)
University of Georgia
University of Kansas
University of Kentucky
University of Maryland
University of Mississippi
University of Tennessee
University of Texas at El Paso
University of Wyoming
Unseld, Westley
Van Deburg, William
Vaught, Johnny
Vázquez, Pedro Ramirez
Virginia Baseball Association
Waddell, Tom
Walk, Neal
Walker, Fleetwood
Walker, Irvin
Wallace, Don
Wallace, George
Ward, Horace
Washington, Kenny
Washington Redskins
Weisenberg, Barry
White, Phil
white athletes: criticisms of podium salute Harvard crew support for OPHR responses to black athletic revolt on campus views of 1968 Olympic boycott movement and OPHR views of NYAC boycott
white backlash
White Citizensâ Councils
âWhite Majority,â
white supremacy in sport
Whitfield, Mel
Wiggins, David
Wilkins, Roy
Williams, Ben