intense, like he just stepped off the cover of a romance novel. He’s bigger than Frank and, honestly, a little scary. Along with Ben, the three of them take up half of the small room with their size. My eyes wander down their bodies as my hormones come to life making all the right places tingle.
I can’t help staring and soon realize Poppy is standing next to me doing the same. “That’s a lot of testosterone. I can almost smell it,” she says. “You should get some of that.” She pats me on the back and walks away before I can explain I’m with Ben.
I look around at the new people in my life. Winston, Megan, and Maggie look like three little pixies who practically disappear when they turn sideways. Rodrigo shows me a picture of Kiki-mo, who does resemble me, and Chase smokes with Darcy. I do a double take when I see Chase looking my way. I’m used to being looked at, but something about his stare flusters me. Maybe it’s his purple eyes. I shrug it off. He knows I’m all about Ben.
Ben . He catches my eye and smiles. Finally .
My mind wanders to freshman year of high school, the day we met.
I’d moved mid-year to Evander High from a small private school in Philadelphia, and I had no idea where I was or what I was supposed to be doing. As I looked at my class schedule, I panicked. I needed Justine, but she wasn’t there. I shut my brain down and sat on a bench near the principal’s office, holding my schedule in one hand and my bent knees in the other as I rocked myself, lost in my own world.
Suddenly, Ben stood before me, and I returned to Earth. “Are you okay?” he asked.
I stopped rocking, “No.” I showed him my schedule, and he held out his hand, pulling me to my feet. As I looked into his warm eyes, I felt safe for the first time since Justine died.
“We’ll get you where you need to be.” He looked at my schedule. “Nice to meet you, Jules. I’m Ben.”
After that, we hung out all the time, but our first and only official date had been homecoming. That’s when I bared my soul and begged him for more, but he refused. It’s the only time he’s said no to me.
Friends , I think. How boring. As I sink deeper into my thoughts, devising a plan to change his mind about our relationship status, I inhale the combined scent of aftershave and marijuana, and warm at the intense heat of a body behind me.
I swing around to face Chase. I huff and lift my chin. Despite their glassiness, his stoned purple eyes penetrate mine. “Go away, Train Boy. I’m trying to flirt with Ben.”
“Have you ever heard the expression, ‘barking up the wrong tree’? I think that’s what you’re doing with Ben.”
I study him before taking his red plastic cup. “I’m not barking up any trees. But if I were, Ben’s tree would be the right one.” I drink his beer without apology.
“I’m not feeling the vibe between you two. You’re too…” He moves his hands around.
“What’s that swirly thing you’re doing with your hands?”
“I’m thinking of the right word.” He stops moving his hands and points to me. “Charismatic. That’s the word.”
I grunt. “You’ve known me for half a day, Chase. And you’re high.”
“I can tell. Even after half a day. Even high.”
He looks over my shoulder, but I want his eyes back on me. He’s like the anti-Ben, but his attention is like a shot of adrenaline. “You should stop bothering me and start paying attention to your roommate. If I’m Miss Charismatic, he’s Mr. Charismatic.” He’s still looking over my shoulder.
“Looks like room three wants a piece of Mr. Charismatic, too.” I spin, almost falling over. I follow Chase’s gaze and see Ben deep in conversation with Megan. “Now those two, I can see together.”
Megan’s blonde bob swings over her tiny shoulders as she giggles and shakes her head at something Ben’s saying. He’s smiling but not laughing, keeping eye contact but not standing too close. I can’t decide if I’m