commanding general back at Bagram. He’s an uncle of mine, and he likes to look out for his nephew. For some reason, he gets mighty angry if he thinks people are fucking with him. Or do you want him to find out how you refused to offer assistance to your own people, and maybe got some of them killed? What’s it going to be? Do we get some air support, or are you looking for a new job sweeping the tarmac in some Godforsaken airfield in the far north of Alaska?”
There was a long silence. The controller came back.
“Hang on there, pal, wait up. We have a pair of A-10 Thunderbolts looking for some trade. I can arrange for them to lose their way and detour over the border. I mean, it’s unauthorized, but I’ll support you any way I can.”
“That’s good, Mister, you’d better vector them our way. How long before they can get to us?”
“I estimate they’ll be with you in ten minutes, give or take. Can you hold until then?”
“We’ll be fine, but you’d better make sure they’re no more than ten minutes,” Boswell replied.
“Copy that, Bravo. Before you sign off, I want you to stay to the south of the hostiles. I repeat, stay to the south. I’ll order the Thunderbolts to attack the large group of insurgents north of your position and closest to the town of Parachinar, so we don’t get any foul-ups.”
Boswell stared around at the squad. Vince and Dan had come up and joined them. Boswell gave Dan a sour look and then ignored him.
“We’ll find a new position to cover those hostiles, somewhere that’ll give us a good field of fire. Chief, we’ll form a blocking force to prevent them getting too near. If we keep them boxed up, it’ll make the job that much easier for the A-10s.”
Nolan nodded his approval. “It’s a plan, Lt.”
“It will be if those A-10s turn up on time. Let’s move out. We’ll find suitable ground and take up new positions.”
They grabbed their gear and started moving at a tangent, off on the flank of the enemy approaching from the town. The dust cloud had resolved itself much as they’d been advised; a large group of men, heavily armed with a collection of Soviet, Chinese, and even American made weaponry, and all of them thirsting for vengeance. Nolan could easily make out four RPGs, together with numerous AK-47s, AK-74s, and a few M-16s, probably stolen. Somewhere in that group they’d no doubt have at least a couple of light machine guns, as well as a sniper or two. The Taliban learned fast, and they’d employed long-range snipers to deadly effect, their weapon of choice being the venerable British .303 caliber Lee-Enfield. The solid old rifle was heavy, basic, and easy to maintain in the field. The sniper variant was also deadly accurate in use, as many ISAF troops had found to their cost. Nolan walked close to Boswell, constantly surveying the ground around and ahead of them. He caught the Lieutenant’s attention.
“This should be near enough. Any closer and they’ll see what we’re up to. There’re enough of them to come around on our flank and do some damage.”
Boswell grunted in agreement. “You’re right. We’ll deploy half the men in the rocks the other side of the drainage ditch. Split the men and keep the other half this side and stagger their positions. I don’t want anyone caught in our own crossfire.”
Nolan managed to keep his cool. “Yeah, I got it.”
Yeah, I’d never have worked that one out. But the guy is trying, and I have to cut him some slack. He noticed the amused twitch again from Grant. Is the Seal Team Six guy grinning at our rookie Lieutenant, or at me for having to swallow his shit? Maybe the guy is just trying to keep sane like the rest of us.
Nolan ordered the men to their positions, and half of them took cover among the uneven piles of rock littering the ground the other side of the ditch. All the while, Nolan could see the crowd of hostiles getting nearer. It was