she sat naked Indian style. He saw her red patch of hair between her legs; her drapes matched her carpet as they say. He brought the tray of food over, he went for the peach slices and her the grapes.
“I think we’re going to quit The Club,” she said munching on her grapes.
“Oh why so,” he wasn’t alarmed he was thinking the same, had been contemplating it for a couple of months now. The Club is not something you can do forever, he knew that.
“Well I’m having a baby.”
Now he was shocked, “Wow, really, congratulations!” He looked at her, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Maybe we wouldn’t have… you know been so…rough at times.”
She laughed, “That’s exactly why, I wanted what we did, it might be the last time I’m here,” she said smiling, he smiled too, “Don’t worry, I’ve never known anyone to lose a baby through sex,” she said, “Anyway I’m only about three months my little fetus is tucked away nice and tight inside me,” she laughed and said, “You’re big, but you’re not that big,” he laughed.
“Well I’m happy for you and your husband and I’ll miss you, but we’re thinking the same, my wife and I. We’re thinking of quitting too.”
“Oh why…when you’re so good at it?”
“Well, I’m getting extremely busy and it’s just one more thing…You know what I mean?”
And then they went to round four, five and six. By then they’d used four condoms and every toy they liked and went through the champagne and bottle of red wine and had eaten all the fruit and when they heard two bells.
“The night is over Pleasure Seekers and I hope you had fun, until next time,” Patty said over the intercom.
“Well, if I don’t see you again, congratulations on the baby,” he said and that was that.
He left and saw Tammy coming towards him, he kissed her on the side of her mouth. The couples who were still there gave their valet number to Patty who had the valets start bringing around cars, and periodically you heard, “147, 147, your car is ready.”
They called their number and he and Tammy left, he never asked who she slept with or what she did during the night and she never asked him. The only thing they did was add anything new they liked to their own bedroom repertoire.
Royce was happy with his life. He was a good ol boy from Amarillo, as Texan as Texan could get, he was confident, slightly arrogant and sure of himself. He had Tammy who had turned out to be a good wife, two beautiful children and his best friend as his business partner. They ran a thriving business and he wouldn’t have changed a thing in his life…but all that would change the night Joy Abrams walked into The Club.
It had been a couple of months since he and Tammy had been to The Club, and he’d heard from Bobby that Stacy and Paul quit. “Bummer,” Bobby said, “She was a good lay,” and he agreed with him. But tonight they’d decided to do a party and he really wasn’t looking forward to it. Lately his mind had been consumed with something that had him mystified and he’d really rather stay home and think on that, but for Tammy he found himself in the main room his black mask on mingling with the other guests waiting for the party to start. Then Bobby nudged him slightly and gave a small nod towards the front entrance.
Royce turned and there she was. Joy Abrams was standing there, her husband Michael by her side. She wore all black, a little black dress that hugged her curves, black high stiletto shoes, her beautiful shapely legs were bare, her dark hair was pulled back into a twist at the nape of her neck and her eyes were covered with a black mask with dark shiny black feathers. She was stunning. He had to close his mouth.
They’d joked about Joy joining The Club for months now. Every since they’d seen