dusk, Alex wrapped his strong arms around her once more and held her tightly. He gazed down into her beautiful hazel eyes feeling a confliction beginning to rise in his heart. This sensation of love was new, something different and yet he was fearful that his way of life would conflict with this beautiful woman and the life he had only dreamt of living. He kissed her softly once more, savoring the feel of her supple lips on his and inhaled her scent.
“I have to go,” He whispered, “But I’ll be back. You should go have some fun with your friends awhile.”
Monica looked up, the worry clear in her eyes, “Promise?”
Alex gave a laugh, “Yes of course. I told you, you have my heart.”
It had been a day since Alex had promised to return to her, and as time wore on a nagging sensation was washing over her. He had admitted his womanizing was true, and she began to fear that her love wouldn’t be enough to end it. What if he goes out and still acts that way when I return home? A wave of stress filled her stomach at the image of him still out hitting on woman while she sat at home. She followed along quietly as her friends hopped from one event to another, each time finding new music and collecting some memorabilia along the way. But her heart was less in the adventure than it had been before and she scowled as Carrie drug her along by the arm. Despite the wild activities around her, Monica’s mind continued to fly back to Alex. He was not her type at all. While she belonged in the world of science and nature, he was a leather clad wild boy with no ambitions and no direction in life. She knew she wasn’t the right type of woman for him. I have to let him go. She sighed, the tears welling up as she watched the sun setting behind the ocean horizon once again. Elsa looked back at her friend, frowning and nudging Carrie would was lost in a haze of beer and music. The two friends smiled at Monica, but it was clear they knew the situation from the look on her face.
“Hey cheer up,” Elsa shouted over the D.J, “My mom used to say that if they love you, they will come back.”
“It’s not that,” Monica sighed, “I just don’t think this is going to last long is all.”
“Well maybe now,” Carrie laughed her usual cheerful way, “But at least you had fun right?”
Their conversation was ended abruptly as a group of drunken college students approached. Monica’s stomach churned nervously, thinking back to the first time they had been approached by some of the locals and her bad experience at the bonfire. One of the men, a tall, skinny man with sandy blonde hair leaned forward to Monica, shouting over the music.
“Hey there sexy,” He cooed in her ear, “How about you and your friends head out with us awhile.”
“Sure” Carrie chimed in.
“No,” Monica stood her ground this time, “don’t you remember what happened last time?’
“Come on babe it’ll be fun I promise,” The tall man grasped her arm and gave her a wicked smile. She tried to yank away but his grasp tightened.
“Let go.” She growled and Carrie stepped forward to assist.
“She said drop your hand.” Carrie shouted over the music but the tall man just laughed and leaned down, attempted to kiss her.
Suddenly Monica felt the strong hands of Alex as he stepped between them. His face was dark and full of a threat that only a fool would dare challenge. He broke the grasp, letting Monica free of the young, drunken man. Monica took a step back in fear.
“Don’t you know what no means?” Alex snapped, his fists clenched, “Or didn’t they teach you that at school?”
The young man’s eyes darted wildly between Monica and then back to Alex who stood in front of her ready to fight. He laughed sarcastically, “Yeah whatever, your loss babe. Look at this punk.”
The group gave a roar of laughter and disappeared again into the crowd. Alex turned, his face softening as he smiled at