behave as normal. When I go to the bank later I will sort out the money. Don't worry. I want to do this one hundred per cent. I'm determined and nothing can change my mind.
I need to spend some time here in the office with one of the women to find out what they have planned for next weekend. I will let you know as soon as I can.
Speak to you later .
Date: Monday, 24 April 2011. 8.55 a.m.
From: assassin_hire
To: devils - revenge
I will text you my postal address and bank account details. Let me know how you finally decide to send the money; courier or bank transfer. Thank you, darling. I'll talk to you later.
Date: Monday, 24 April 2011. 9.46 a.m.
From: devils - revenge
To: assassin_hire
I've decided to box up the money and send it to you that way. I will put something else in with it to make it look like a gift and I'll also enclose the keys and the photographs. I'll email you the address, combinations and directions. I'm quite busy at work at the moment and under pressure to get everything done so I can leave early to post the package to you. I'll contact you later to advise you of the tracking number.
Date: Monday, 24 April 2011. 10.07 a.m.
From: assassin_hire
To: devils - revenge
Ok, be careful. I'll call you later to hear your sexy voice.
Date: Monday, 24 April 2011. 6.42 p.m.
From: devils - revenge
To: assassin_hire
I’m sorry for not getting back to you sooner . My son came home unexpectedly. He wants to spend so me time with me this evening because I'm leaving tomorrow, so I had to switch off my mobile phone. I'll be able to speak when he goes to bed later tonight.
Date: Monday, 24 April 2011. 7.19 p.m.
From: assassin_hire
To: devils - revenge
No problem. I understand that you need to maintain the status quo. Thank you for organising the money. I'm glad we didn't have to kill you! I would love to spend some quality time with you when all of this is done. You have a very sexy voice which really turns me on.
I'm leaving for Fra nce on Tuesday morning, slightly earlier than originally p lanned. Maybe we can get to know each other a little better. I’ll contact you to let you know when I arrive.
I've att ached my photo to this email. Hope you like what you see!
Date: Tuesday, 25 April 2011, 1.28 a.m.
From: devils - revenge
To: assassin_hire
Finally, I can email you without anyone breat hing down my neck. I’m sorry for not being able to answer your calls. I didn't expect my son to be here so early tonight. He usually stays a t college until late but he wanted to spend some time with me .
Thank you for your photos. You are very beautiful and I look forward to being alone with you! I hope I live up to your expectations. I'd like to get to know you better too. Maybe I can take you sail ing? You look gorgeous with your beautiful blonde hair and bright smile. I've always had a soft spot for blondes.
I was talking with my son and I know he would be devastated if he found out what I was planning . He would wonder if he ever really knew me. My other son is a baby, almost three months old. He won't even remember his mother which I suppose is a good thing. I'm very close to my eldest son and I wan t to maintain our relationship.
I su ppose you are wondering why I’m determined to get rid of my wife and the other women. Well, it's a long story. I admit that I'm not entirely blameless. There were some indiscretions but after being married for twenty years what does she expect? She ignored my apologies and instead set out to ruin me; which she achieved. She tries to control every moment of my life and hates our son spending time alone with me, which is why he wanted to make the most of our time together while my wife is in France. She's set up our finances so that she can m ake sure that I have hardly any money of my