run impulsively.
He heard the voice speaking and restrained himself with some difficulty from touching his right ear to see if there was a micro speaker or some such device attached.
It came again.
Sofia had warned him to expect this communication so he psyched himself not to be too tense.
When it did come, he did not react unnaturally knowing he was being closely monitored.
Any tell tale signs of panic or that he was communicating with some unseen source could be fatal.
“What about this bug?” he whispered.
“Don’t make any sudden moves. Walk slowly and confidently towards the Patrick Hughes artwork. You’re being monitored. Casually look up to the top of the elevator at the two black suits in dark glasses. Give a smile of acknowledgement. Now! Keep walking casually.”
“Can I ask questions?”
“Wait until you get into the shadows to your left, the passage leading to the Henry Moore sculptor.”
“You’re asking me to walk into the art work!”
“Yes. These are all illusive arts and not static canvasses. They are magnetic and you can walk into them like walking onto a stage once their matrices are activated.”
“You’ve activated them?”
“They will shortly be. A second before you walk through it.”
Mason sensed that there was something unusual about Babylon Corp strategically placing these cheap reproductions in the foyer and now he knew.
“Keep walking very casually to the artwork. They are coming down the elevator. This may not be easy for you. You are now inside the artwork’s matrix. Walk straight into the Hughes artwork. That’s right. Don’t even think about it. Keep to the left of it and walk towards the Henry Moore sculpture but keep to the shadows. You’re now inside the artwork. Stop by the middle drawing and look at it without moving. They’ll think you’re part of it. I hope!”
“What are you going to do?”
“I am playing with the artwork’s perspectives so that their gaze is concentrated towards the right of the artwork. Hold your breath. They’re coming closer.” A short pause. “They’ve moved on.”
“Am I in a virtual world?”
“No you’re in the real world.”
“Okay but am I in some kind of a dream.”
“You’re awake and conscious. You’re in a lucid dream state which means that you’re conscious that you are in control of all that you do.”
“Why do you say that I’m in control?”
“You can always refuse to do what I tell you.”
“How come I’ve never seen those security people before?”
“They have remained outside of your conscious vision. They have been there together with all those other monitors you don’t see but can only sense.” A pause. “You can come out now and walk to the john. Those two suits will be expecting you to come out of there anyway.”
“I know this may sound crazy but will you be following me there?”
“There’s no need to be self conscious. Go in, admire your face and come out slowly.”
“So how come we never knew about you?”
“I was created as a parallel system, a kind of fail-safe system to ensure AIs did not go beyond the law or the limits of what was humane.”
“What’s happening? Why did Stella try to approach me? Why did I have that accident?”
“Mason, you’re special.”
“Am I a clone? Was I produced here? Is there something I have that these people want? How can I be a clone?” he said unnecessarily.
“Don’t we all have families and love them? Relax Mason. It’s sometimes hard to explain these complex algorithms where some like you are chosen.”
“And where’s Stella?”
“She’s fine. You’ll be meeting her soon with two other sleeper clones.”
“Why am I going through this?” he persisted.
“You have been chosen.”
“Why? I just want to be like others.”
“You’re not like others Mason.”
“Why did they try to kill me?”
“You’re a dreamer.”
“Is that a clue?”
“Yes Mason.”
“Look I’m totally confused with all these