pitbackintoa bedroom.
‘Hello love,’Mumwheezed
headinsidemydoorwithacomicalexpressiononher face.
‘Whathappenedin here?Did yousmellsomething
‘Ohyeah .. .nicejob.’
‘ Y eahhh?’
‘Coul dI g o t oa part y wit h De n an d Ker r y tonight?’ Therewasapauseforthought.‘Where?’
‘AtRebeccaHanson ’ splaceontheothersideofFairleigh.’
‘Ho w ar e yo u gettin g there?’
‘Gracie ’ s takin g us.’
‘ W ell , ho w ar e yo u gettin g home?’
Ther e wa s anothe r paus e fo r thought.
‘I’l l thin k abou t it.’
M y leas t favourit e en d t oa conversation.
Dennisphonedas weweresittingdownfor teaand askedifIwantedtostayathisplaceafterthepart y .Mum
oflambchopandpotato intohermouth.Shenoddedslowl y . Y es!
‘N o drinking , yo u hear ? An d i f there ’ s an y troubl e
I wan t yo u t o star t walking . Don ’ t b ea blood y hero . I f there ’ s an y troubl e yo u won ’ t b e goin g ou t fo r th e res t o f th e yea r .’
IwasafewminuteslategettingtotheHumes’placebut theyweren ’ twaiting.IwishedIhadn ’ tpedalledsohard
uptheGarrisonStreethill andthatIhadn ’ t hadthat smoke beforeIleft.Dennishadjustgotoutoftheshower andhishairlookedlikeithadbeen
paintedon.He reportedthatthegigglingwecouldhearwasKer r yand Carlygettingread y .Carlywasstayingthenighttoo.Den ’ s mumcreptupbehindhimandrippedthetoweloffthat hadbeencoveringhislowerhalf.
‘Whoooooo!’shecooedasshestrodeupthehall.She rappedonKer r y ’ sbedroomdoo r .‘Girls!Comeon!The
Iwould,Denjust stoodthere,hispenisnestledincurlyblackpubichai r .It hungtotheright,justlikemine.Ican ’ tbelieveInoticed that.ThedoorofKer r y ’ sbedroomburstopenandDen
bolted tohisdrawerandgrabbedapair ofjocks.He
lookedcleanerandsmarterthan Ididbuthetoppeditoff
Graciedroppedusoffand saidthatshewouldbeback
atmidnight topickus up.Ihadbutte r fliesthatgot
suddenlystrongeras Iheardthethumping
bass drum soundleakingfromthewallsof thebrickhousethatKer r y
tolduswasRebecca ’ s. Boldasafoxterrie r ,Ker r ywaltzed
inthefrontdoo r ,closelyfollowedbyCarlyandme.Den wastakingaleakonthelamppostinthenaturestrip.I wish Ihadthoughtofthat,
Ther e wer e abou t te n peopl e i n th e loung e room . Lit b ya lam p i n on e corne r , th e loung e roo m wa s dar k and I couldn ’ t recognis e anyone . Ker r y wa s squintin g at someon e sittin g i na dee p armchai r perusin ga C D cove r . Th e perso n looke d u p an d returne d th e squint . They recognise d eac h othe r an d squeale d thei r delight, hugge d an d kisse d a t th e ai r besid e eac h ea r . Carl y joined i n an d the y jiggle d wit h excitement . Bizarre . Mus t have bee n al l o f fiv e hour s sinc e the y wer e las t togethe r . My eye s finall y adjuste d t o th e ligh t an dI bega n t o recognise
people . Mos t o f the m wer e aroun d ou r ag e bu tI only kne w the m a s face s mostl y fro m Chishol m Catholic, wher e Rebecc a wen t befor e sh e wa s expelle d for smoking .I recognise d th e on e bo y i n th e room—Ga r y Reardon , th e geek y schoo l brai n fro m Mr s Kneebone ’ s hom e group .I move d ove r t o sa y hello ; h e looke d lik e his mu m ha d dresse d him.
‘G’day W ayne,’hesaid
andtookhishandoutofhis pockettoshakemine.Shakehands?Whatatosse r .I
took hishandanywa y .Itfeltlikeadeadeel.Iaskedhimwhere alltheladswereandhetoldmetheywerethereaminute beforebuthaddisappeared.Heofferedmeadrink of somethingyellowin asmallCokebottle.Iregardedit suspiciousl y an d h e assure d m e i t wasn ’ t poison . I uncappedthebottle andtook aswig. W armcough medicine.Thetypemymumputsherselftosleepwith eve r yothernight.
‘ Y oulikeit?Galliano. T opshelf.’