the room and revived her weary body. She stood there watching the coffee slowly pour into the carafe and when it was done, poured the strong coffee into her favourite “I Love Psychology” mug her aunt had given her when she had graduated.
When she returned to her desk, she set her cup down and waited for it to cool. Rather than waste time, she switched on her computer and brought up the local news website. She had planned to check her emails but didn’t see the harm in playing five minutes of hooky as she caught up with what was happening around the world. The front page of the website caught her attention. Under the heading of Breaking New s was Murder in Harbour Bay .
Curiosity edging her on, Natalie clicked on the photograph of a young, beautiful woman with a brunette bob and hazel eyes. The caption said her name was Marie Stanton, a med student at the local university. The article was short but to the point:
Marie Stanton has been brutally murdered in Harbour Bay. While reports are sketchy, the police are saying citizens should be vigilant. Anyone who was in the area at the time of the murder should come forward for questioning. Detectives are keeping quiet about the exact details of Ms Stanton’s death but what is known is she was found in a downtown parking garage off Charles early yesterday morning. If you can shed any light on this crime please call local officials or Crime Stoppers.
The reporter went on to speculate that the murder was one of many attributed to the Butcher, the man who’d killed Senator Ian Walker and his wife Missy just outside of town on the King George Highway in August of 2005.
Natalie shivered despite the warm temperature. The thought someone had been murdered in her town gave her the creeps. Someone walking about outside her office doors was a murderer. She hoped the police would catch the bastard quickly. A man like that did not deserve to be out in the world free while women like Marie Stanton would never live again.
She clicked on the email icon on her taskbar and scanned her emails, relieved to find nothing required immediate attention. She answered a few about rescheduling appointments and deleted the junk. She closed her inbox and decided to get on with her work. Maybe that would clear her mind of the recent article and thoughts of a murderer free in her beloved city. She glanced over at her appointments book and took in the name of her next patient. Natalie swivelled her chair around and opened her desk drawer to pull out his file. She then turned her full attention to the file.
The name Henry Rellet was printed in capitals on the top of the page. Natalie took another deep sip of her coffee and let the liquid trail down her throat and into her stomach. She caught herself just moments before she moaned in pleasure. She was so caught up in her nirvana that she didn’t hear the man enter her office and come to stand beside her desk. One minute she was alone with her delicious and desired coffee and the next a man with brown hair and sparkling green eyes was standing beside her, casting a shadow over her desk and paperwork.
“Doctor Natalie Miller,” he said in greeting.
He was a tall man, good-looking too, and she was surprised that these were her first thoughts about the stranger invading her privacy. Natalie felt the burn of desire low in her belly and was startled at her response. She had heard of instant desire but had never experienced it herself. She was by no means a virgin but not one of the few men she had invited into her bed had ever made her feel this wanton. She realised she was undressing him with her eyes and immediately squashed the imagery, delightful though it was.
She studied him with analytical eyes as she would any other stranger. His body was hard and strong from working out. He probably did it often, unlike her whose current fitness regime was walking up and down the stairs in her house on the way to and from work. Strangely, she did not fear