who seemed reluctant to join them. Heloise sat next to Morelan, leaving the spot next to him for Nat.
“This is Moore and I am Novel. What are you names?” Norvir asked just as he had practiced. Lista had worked with him on etiquette with humans.
“I’m Heloise and she is Nat. We are lecturers at the environmentalist’s seminar.”
“That’s amazing, I am attending the seminar. I was in James Dumonte’s lecture this morning.”
“James is brilliant. I’m sure you now know everything about dirt.” Heloise giggled.
“We were having some issues with the farmers that his tips may be useful in helping prevent. Where will you ladies be going when the seminar concludes?”
“I don’t think we have anything on our schedule.”
“Would you consider being our guests and giving some lectures to our college students? For lecture fees, of course.”
“What about the others at the seminar?” Nat asked.
“Right now we have a new life form we also would like an opinion on and we are limiting access. Both of you were recommended by a scientist currently assisting us with other issues.”
“Who might that be?”
“Dr. Stirling Little.” Norvir answered.
“Stirling? He disappeared two years ago.”
“No, he’s just been working on a project he can’t discuss so he stays on the planet, by choice.”
“What good does it do to work on a project you can’t publish?” Heloise asked.
“It safeguards the creatures you are working with. What good does it do to publish only to see the subject of your work destroyed?” Norvir asked. Morelan had been silent, he was completely overwhelmed by the nearness of females he didn’t know.
“We will have to give this some thought. It had originally been our intention to stick together, but I’ve been thinking it makes it hard to raise needed funds and makes us a bigger target.” Nat said and Heloise nodded.
Target? Norvir’s mind kicked into overdrive. Was there truth then, to the rumors an Earth company was after her and some fellow scientists because they wanted to save the planet? His eyes locked and held with Morelan, but he didn’t comment on her slip up. Anything that caused her to come with him to Oison was welcome.
“I believe I have your lecture this afternoon, Heloise.”
“Is Moore going to be there too?” She asked hopefully.
“He wasn’t scheduled for it. His interest in conservation is just developing. Can he purchase his admission separately?” Norvir asked.
“I’d be happy to have him as my personal guest for the lecture.” Heloise practically purred.
“Moore, what do you say?” Norvir verbally nudged him.
“I would be delighted to attend.” Morelan replied.
The waitress came and took their order. They talked about conservation and the importance of starting out right on planets just starting industries. Morelan didn’t contribute to the conversation, but Norvir noticed he was listening attentively. Their food came and they all ate quickly but quietly. Norvir was hopeful they would convince the ladies to leave with them once the seminar was over, tomorrow. Heloise seemed to have a great deal of influence on Nat, and she seemed taken by Morelan.
It was a shame Nat didn’t seem as taken by him. Norvir on the other hand, was quite taken by Nat. His daig growled and howled, desiring nothing more than to throw the female over his shoulder and to run to the ship with her. Take female home ! His demon rarely made demands being one of the less primitive ones among his kind. It shocked and surprised him. If they were in a less populated place, he would be tempted to do it, the pull was that strong. Everyone knew that while their demon side was primitive, it also seemed to be in touch with the gods on a simpler level.
His daig was restless, and that always meant something was about to happen. Usually it was bad. That his demon wanted to escape this place now, meant they would be in a position were escape would be necessary soon.