“I take it you and the Adajuss aren’t best of friends,” Fullgrath remarked.
“No,” Gaveer admitted. The Seneecian pointed toward the creature. “Neither is this Hoov one of the Adajuss.”
“If it isn’t Adajuss, where the hell did he get the bauble?” Cooter questioned.
Kelen remained silent as the men softly discussed this new development and observed Hoov devouring its kill. The stench of blood permeated the cold air, and for some reason her stomach grumbled at the thought of a haunch roasting over an open flame. It was difficult to tell what the slaughtered thing looked like prior to Hoov taking it down. The only remaining evidence was the steam rising from the carcass and the dense gray fur.
Jules moved forward a step and raised the tablet to get a picture of the creature and its meal. Hoov immediately hissed. Spines rose along its appendages and back. Alarmed, the navigator retreated, and Hoov dropped its defensive posture.
“Guess Hoov doesn’t want to share his dinner,” Fullgrath noted with a chuckle.
“I’m aware of that, but what is it eating?”
“And can we barbeque one if we find one of our own?” Cooter asked, thinking along the same lines as Kelen.
Fullgrath made a slight movement toward Hoov. Immediately, the creature lifted its spiny ruff. Holding up his blaster, he made a show of slowly lowering it to the ground as he knelt on one knee. “I’m not going to take your food away from you. I’m putting my gun down as a sign of non-aggression. Do you understand what I mean? I’m not going to hurt you. We just want to ask you a few questions. Can we ask you some questions, Hoov?”
The spines gradually lowered. “Ask.”
“Where did you get the translator?” Fullgrath raised a hand to his neck for emphasis.
Hoov tore another slab of flesh from his kill and gulped it down whole. “Adajuss.”
“How? When?” Cooter whispered.
“I take it you’ve never seen a creature like this?” Jules asked the Seneecian standing beside him.
Massapa shook his head. “If they exist in our quadrant, we have never come across them, or heard of anything like them.”
Kelen touched Fullgrath’s shoulder to get his attention. “We have to be linear with our questions.”
“Like we do with Dox?”
“Gotcha. Hoov?”
“Begin with if it belongs here, or if it came from another planet.”
Fullgrath nodded. “Hoov, is this your home planet?”
“Here. Yes.”
“That doesn’t answer our question,” Cooter noted. “If it landed here, this could be its home now. Ask if it was born on this world.”
“Ganj. Hoov Ganj.”
“Is Ganj where you belong?”
The creature slapped the ground beside it. “Ganj.”
A light went off in Kelen’s mind. “Hoov, is this place called Ganj?”
Several eyes rolled in her direction. “Yes. Ganj.”
She took a deep breath. “This place is Ganj. You are Hoov. You wear a translator from Adajuss. Did the Adajuss come to Ganj?”
Fullgrath reared back. “So Hoov is a native of this world.”
Like Fullgrath had done, Kelen crouched beside him, then lowered herself to a sitting position and placed her blaster on the