something that is no longer anything and still if you have had always had had a daily life in every moment of your living that is not changing and your language will have the words feeling that thing feeling that they are there and staying and if you have not any day your daily living as an Americannever can have and never does have any day in his living then the words which are their words will have in them the feeling of moving even if by spelling and lettering they are the same words that the English have who have in them the feeling of staying.
And so this is what I have to say about our language which is our language today and in our way as any words are are our words to-day.
I like the feeling of words doing as they want to do and as they have to do when they live where they have to live that is where they have come to live which of course they do do.
I HAVE said and anybody can say anybody might say that knowledge is what you know. Knowledge is what you know and there is nothing more difficult to say than that that knowledge is what you know.
Let’s make our flour meal and meat in Georgia.
Is that prose or poetry and why.
Let’s make our flour meal and meat in Georgia.
This is a sign I read as we rode on a train from Atlanta to Birmingham and I wondered then and am still wondering is it poetry or is it prose let’s make our flour meal and meat in Georgia, it might be poetry and it might be prose and of course there is a reason why a reason why it might be poetry and a reason why it might be prose.
Does let’s make our flour meal and meat in Georgia move in various ways and very well and has that to do really to do with narrative in poetry, has it really to do with narrative at all and is it more important in poetry that a thing should move in various kinds of ways than it is in prose supposing both of them to be narrative. I think about these things a great deal these- days because things anything anyone can see does move move about and just move in various kinds of ways and sometimes I wonder if that makes poetry and sometimes I wonder if that makes prose and now I wonder is there any such thing as poetry is there any such thing as prose or is it just that now anything moves about in various ways it sometimes stays still but a great deal it does move about in various ways. Since what you know is what you know do you or do you not know this.
There are now several questions is there anything that is not narrative and what is narrative what has narrative gotten to be now. When one used to think of narrative one meant a telling of what is happening in successive moments of its happening the quality of telling depending upon the conviction of the one telling that there was a distinct succession in happening, that one thing happened after something else and since that happening in succession was a profound conviction in every one then really there was no difference whether anyone began in the beginning or the middle or the ending because since narrative was a progressive telling of things that were progressively happening it really did not make any difference where you were at what moment you were in your happening since the important part of telling anything was the conviction that anything that everything was progressively happening. But now we have changed all that we really have. We really now do not really know that anything is progressively happening and as knowledge is what you know and as now we do not know that anything is progressively happening where are we then in narrative writing and what has this to do with poetry and with prose if it has that is to say if poetry and prose have anything to do with anything and anything has anything to do with narrative that is the telling of what is happening.
I know what poetry and prose has been and I have been telling this thing telling what poetry and prose has been and when I told it I said it in this