her arms, in her hands and all over his belly. His whole body shuddered. Carol was filled with a special kind of satisfaction at giving him such pleasure. “Wow, that was amazing. Looks like you have done that a few times before, Carol,” he said knowingly. “Actually, you are the first,” she looked away, suddenly shy again. “But you are amazing Carol, you are perfect in every way.” She turned back and smiled at him then and his smile back was genuine. She cleaned up his pretty mess, taking a sneaky taste with her finger when he wasn’t looking. She found it sweet. “You sleep now,” she said covering him with a blanket. “Tomorrow we will work on getting you better.” She went in to the library on Monday morning and told the administrator that she needed a week off. She had never ever taken any vacation days before and although they were surprised, they quickly granted it. She raced home down the trail to get back to her mountain man only realizing just before she walked in the door that she hadn’t even asked him his name yet.