for him, which meant he was growing impatient. The dun backed off a step and stood there, and I just waited. Five, maybe ten minutes went by, and then the man stepped from the darkness and reached for the reins. The horse backed off a couple of steps, and I could have kissed him, for the man went after him.
"Hold it!" I spoke loud enough for him to hear, but not too loud, and as I spoke I cocked my rifle.
He made a move as if to dive for shelter, but I spoke again, quickly. "Don't try! You ain't got a chance."
"Who are you?"
"A driftin' man. That there's my horse."
"Thought he was strayed." I had gotten to my feet and started toward him as he spoke. "Didn't see anybody around."
"Hadn't planned on it. Don't get nervous now ... I'm holding a light trigger."
He had turned and was facing me, a stocky, barrel-chested man with his face in shadow. Suddenly he spoke. "Hell, you're Nolan Sackett!"
"Unbuckle your belt."
"Now, see here--"
I was getting impatient. "Mister, if you figure on eatin' breakfast, you'd better drop that gun belt."
He reached for the buckle, protesting. "Now look, Sackett. I'm Steve Hooker. We met one time over in the Nation, an' you got no call to stand me up."
"Maybe, maybe not."
When he'd unbuckled his gun belt and dropped it, I had him back off while I moved in and took up the belt and slung it over my shoulder.
Gathering the dun's reins, I followed my prisoner back down into the hollow. The horses were there, a fine team of six head, and two saddle horses. Down among the willows he had a fire going that had not been visible from the cap rock. I could smell coffee, and realized I'd not had a mouthful of food all day.
Once we got into the firelight I had him face around, and I knew him all right.
He had been a teamster for a freight outfit, fired for selling stock feed that belonged to the company. He had killed a tame Indian over at Fort Griffin one time. Nobody did anything about it, but nobody had any use for him after that.
I turned him around and lashed his hands together behind his back, then tied his ankles and his knees. After setting him where I could keep an eye on him, I stripped the rig from my dun and let him roll, then rubbed him down carefully with a few handfuls of dried grass. Then I put him on a picket line where he could graze, and let him go to water as he wished.
Getting a slab of bacon from my pack, I shaved slices into a pan and broke out a half a loaf of bakery bread, brought from town. Whilst I was frying it, I poured myself a cup of coffee and made idle talk about the Indian Territory.
"Where'd you get the team?" I asked suddenly.
"They're mine. Drivin' 'em west to sell in New Mexico."
I just looked at him, disgusted. "That's a mighty pretty story to tell a pilgrim," I said, "but nobody in his right mind comes alone into this country, especially with horses." And then I added, "I rode in from the south."
He made no comment about that, although he was doing some thinking, wondering whether I'd seen the wagon or not. "How did you find me?" he said, after a bit.
"You left tracks, and I followed them." And then I added, "You also left a woman back there, where she could be taken by Indians."
"That ain't no woman! She's a blasted devil! She's a witch right out of hell."
"Looked young an' pretty to me. Didn't seem any place to leave a couple of tenderfeet." I paused, turned the bacon over with a fork, and then added, "You could get lynched for that."
"They'd of killed me. They were fixing to. I heard 'em talk of it."
"Where did you pick them up?"
He hesitated. "I seen 'em first in Fort Worth. They were dressed elegant and seemed to have money. I sort of listened around and heard him making inquiries about the country west of Griffin."
He peered at me. "Now look, Sackett. You ain't no fool. Why would a couple of well-dressed tenderfeet like them be interested in this country? This is buffalo country, Indian country. It's also cattle country, or so some