team will be short if you don’t play. Please,” Michael pleaded again.
“Go play with them,” Tommy said quietly to Marie.
“No I will not play. They always do this. This is all you, Sam, you always pick on him. You’re a jerk and Scott’s not any good either but you let him play all the time,” Marie said shaking her finger.
“Don’t talk about Scott like that!” Samuel yelled back at Marie.
“If you can pick on Tommy, I can pick on Scott.” Marie said, standing up with a smile.
Samuel’s face turned red as he walked towards Marie, “I’m going to punch you,” he yelled at her.
Michael stepped between them, “Stop. You are not going to punch her, we are just not going to play that’s all.” Michael said calmly to Samuel.
“You’re lucky Mike’s here or you would get it.” Samuel replied, turning and walking out of the room.
Michael turned and looked at Marie and Tommy. “Thanks for ruining today, Tommy.” Michael said frustrated and walked out of the room.
“I’m sorry,” Tommy let out in a whisper hanging his head.
“Don’t you apologize for anything, they are mean and no fun. I don’t want to play with them anyway.” Marie said to him touching his hands that were folded on his lap.
“You should hang with them not me, they are more like you. You are strong and fast and I suck,” Tommy said still hanging his head.
“I will hang out with my friends and that is all and you are my best friend,” Marie said with a smile.
Tommy lifted his head and smiled back.
Jones watched the interactions unfold as he was walking down the stairs. He approached Tommy from behind. “Tommy, you’re up,” Jones said
“Good luck, you’ll do great,” Marie said leaning in and giving Tommy a kiss on the cheek.
Tommy smiled and got up and went with Jones.
“I don’t like it. She is too close with him,” Bruce said to Stanley as they were still standing on the walkway watching.
“She’s just a little girl. She has a natural desire to bond to other people,” Stanley replied.
“Well how well will your little girl handle it when Tommy doesn’t survive the first mission because he is not up to the level necessary?” Bruce questioned firmly.
A guard approached them on the walkway with papers. “Both Chris and Scott failed. They are too far behind the others. They are going to begin testing Thomas now,” the guard reported.
Bruce shook his head as he read the papers. “This is a major problem. If Chris and Scott failed there is no way possible Tommy will pass. This is going to have to be brought up with everyone else,” Bruce said to Stanley.
“I know,” Stanley said grasping the railing tightly and staring at Marie who was still on the training floor playing with her bo, twirling it between her fingers and pretending to fight an invisible foe. “I know” Stanley repeated.
“I’ll call everyone together for tomorrow. We will have Tommy’s results back by then.” Bruce replied walking away.
Chapter 4
The management met the following morning in Ivan’s office as usual.
“We have a problem,” Bruce addressed the group. “A very serious problem.” Bruce looked at Stanley. “Three of the boys are not living up the expectations; in fact they are far behind the progress of their peers,” Bruce said placing the failure physical assessments of Chris, Scott, and Tommy on Ivan’s desk.
“And why the fuck is this? This makes no sense considering two of them are identical,” Henry inquired.
“They have received the same injections as their peers. It must be their training.” Stanley replied.
Kenneth stood up, “Or maybe they are just losers!” he yelled at Stanley.
“Wow, is that a technical term, or
did you just come up with that yourself?” Stanley replied sarcastically.
“That’s enough. It is odd that
since two of them are identical twins, why one would be up to par