a bigger
sip of the whiskey and then another one for luck. By the time he
blacked out, the bottle was three quarters empty.
The pounding woke
him up. He didn’t know if it was in his head or from some
external source. Either way he needed it to stop. He clutched his
head, trying to keep it from rolling off the bed and onto the floor;
possibly careering out the door and smashing into bits on the parking
lot asphalt. On second thought, that would definitely stop the
pounding forever so…
He squinched his
eyes open and looked around. The bottle of whiskey was on the floor,
bottle open and alcohol half poured on the woolen carpet. There was
no way he was salvaging that. The carpet would have to go. Which was
sad because it was one of his favorites – he’d acquired
it at an antiques auction when he’d moved out of home. It was
his first piece of furniture that he’d purchased for his new
home. A home he’d envisaged maybe one day sharing with
Meaghan…maybe more like fantasized. It wasn’t like his
family even knew he was with her. His father was still very much in
the dark. And there was really no way to tell him without a guarantee
that he wouldn’t have a stroke. The thought of Meaghan made his
heart sink; likely it wouldn’t be a problem anymore now that
she was moving on.
The pounding hadn’t
stopped and now his phone was ringing. Someone needed to make it all
stop. He picked up his phone and answered it if only to stop it
“ Make
it stop,” he whispered into the phone.
“ Open
the door Dean,” Meaghan demanded.
“ What?”
Dean asked in confusion. He noticed that the pounding had stopped.
“ Open.
The. Door. Dean,” Meaghan repeated biting off each word
Dean frowned; he
didn’t understand why Meaghan sounded so furious with him. He
stood up slowly and shuffled to his front door; Mindy who ran the
bookshop had opened up downstairs so at least he didn’t have to
negotiate the stairs; all he had to do was open the door to his
“ Hi,”
he croaked as she stepped into his house and marched to the living
room. “Please, come in,” he mumbled as he closed the door
and followed her slowly. He felt like an eighty year old man in the
body of a two hundred year old man and walking was a real challenge
but he managed it.
Meaghan was standing
the middle of his living room, arms crossed, face like thunder.
“ What?”
he asked without preamble.
eyebrows went up and her lips twisted in that way that said ‘ well
excuuuse me ’ without having to
say a word. She fumbled in her pockets with sharp angry movements and
then her hand emerged holding her phone. She brandished it toward him
as if it was a weapon, glaring at him the whole time.
“ What?”
he asked again, completely mystified.
said nothing, lips pursed together, just shook the phone at him like
he’d ruined the battery or something. He reached forward
tentatively and took the phone from her, looking down at it at the
last minute after holding a staring match with her for a while. The
phone was open to text messaging and he saw that she had received a
number of texts from someone… him .
How could you do
this to me?
The first one said
and he scrolled down reading the rest as he paled even more than he
thought he could.
I thought I could
trust you.
Dean grimaced as he
scrolled down wondering if he could possibly make like this never
Are you fucking
him now? Is that what you’re doing????
Dean switched off
the phone after that message. He couldn’t read any more. He
certainly had no memory of sending any of these. He risked a glance
at Meaghan; she was breathing very heavily, eyes looking bloodshot as
she glared at him. He opened his mouth and then closed it again
completely at a loss as to what to say.
“ What
the fuck Dean?” Meaghan said and Dean exhaled the breath he
didn’t know he’d been holding.