Chloe prattled on about, from the Beadle’s Dime Novels that she kept hidden under her pillow.
“ I’m so sorry, but yes, they left on a train just yesterday. And…I’m not sure they’ll return. You see, they’ve only let out this house, not bought it—or so the lady’s maid has told us. And old lady Deming has a grand house in Helena, Montana. Mr. Deming’s father made a mint out there—went out to Montana to strike it rich, and that he did. His little claim became a great mining operation. Clementine Deming always helped handle the business end of the mine, so when her husband died, though he left the mine to his son, it’s been Clementine Deming who ran it, while Mr. Deming—my employer—lived here on the east coast. He prefers the culture and refinement of Boston.”
“ Then why would he stay out west?”
“ The word is, if his mother dies, Mr. Deming will need stay out there to run the operation. You see, he’s the sole heir, so who else would stay on in the grand house and manage the mine? We all expect we’re out of a job, should his mother pass on.”
“ Do you know where?” Mollie whispered. Her mouth had gone dry, and her stomach sour. It was all she could do to remain standing. “Where in Montana did they go?”
“ Oh dear. I’m not sure.” The woman’s brow furrowed. “Something with an ‘h’, maybe? St. Helens? Or…Helena? Something like that.”
“ And you’ve no idea of when they’ll be back, then?”
She shook her head. “Only that the elder Mrs. Deming is gravely ill. The impression the butler had was that they would be gone indefinitely. He said even if she recovered quickly, the trip was such a long one that surely they’d stay on at least a month, probably more. Especially since Mrs. Vera Deming—the wife of my employer—wasn’t too keen on taking the wee one on such a long train journey. That’s all I know.”
“ Thank you.” The world tilted, and Mollie gritted her teeth, trying to keep herself upright. My baby is gone. They’ve taken her so far. How will I ever see her again ? “Can you tell me what Mr. and Mrs. Deming look like?”
The woman bit her lip. “You aren’t aiming to start trouble, are ya? If they come back, I’d like to keep my job. They’re good people to work for, and the staff is amiable. Positions like this aren’t easy to come by.”
“ Don’t I know it.” Mollie managed a tight smile. “You can rest assured, I mean the Demings no harm, and I’ll keep your name out of it. I only want to find them and appeal to them, in a cordial manner. Surely once they know the baby was stolen, they’ll have compassion for me, and for my daughter.”
The kitchen maid laid her hand on Mollie ’s arm. “Try to remember…they’ve wanted a baby for years, from what I hear. They dote on that little girl. I know you miss her terribly. But it will cost you a fortune to get out there, and if you did, they might already be on their way back. They seem to be good people, but I don’t see anyone handing over a baby they love without a fight. Might’n’t it be best if you left things as they are?”
Mollie jerked her arm away from the woman. “You’re right. No one would hand over a baby they love without a fight. I certainly didn’t hand my baby over. She was stolen. I have every right to get her back, and that’s what I’m going to do!” She nodded curtly. “Thank you for your help. I’ll keep my word—your name will never be mentioned, nor that I spoke to any staff here.”
Turning on her heel, Mollie stalked away, anger driving her on. But as city blocks melted past her, the anger faded, replaced with a gnawing anguish. She’s right. How can I ever find Nell again? Even if Nell is in that city—Helens or Helena, or whatever it is—I’ve no way to get to her!
Chapter 5
Wednesday April 3,