him. And it appeared that Douglas felt the same respect for him. They’d done some talking about Maggie while up on the parapet. Douglas loved the young woman like a sister. It sounded like everyone in the castle and village liked her, knew she could be a handful at times, but liked her.
“I fear we will butt heads often,” Nicholas said, certain that was true.
“I want ye to know no’ me or any of my men wanted to fire upon ye. The lass… well, she has a tendency to set her mind on something w’ou’ thinking it entirely through.”
They walked toward the bailey where Nicholas’ and the Urquhart’s men were practicing with wooden swords. Gerald seemed determined to make sure the Scots honed their skills well. But then he usually rode hard on Nicholas’ men in practice.
Several young women were working in the nearby garden and glanced in their direction. One in particular, a pretty petite redhead, couldn’t seem to take her gaze off Gerald. Nicholas noticed his friend appeared to be showing off on her behalf.
“Good Lord, he’s smitten,” Nicholas said in surprise. He’d never seen Gerald behave in such a manner.
Douglas chuckled. “Fia is, too, I’ve heard. One look at yer mon and she canna keep her head on her work.”
He looked at Nicholas and added, “She and Anice will be traveling with ye. Fia is Maggie’s dearest friend, her maid as well when either of them wishes it. Anice, she used to be Maggie’s nursemaid and now her … well, ‘tis hard to describe her position.”
Nicholas gave him a curious glance. “Her maid?”
“No’ exactly. Truth is she’s kinda the woman who stepped in as substitute mother. Alan had her help raise the lass because he was off on some business or another so often. He held estates throughout Angus and Eastern Scotland. Maggie’s always needed a strong guiding hand, if ye ken my meaning.”
It took Nicholas a second before he thought he understood. “Anice has taught Maggie proper behavior you mean.” He frowned and felt the twinge of pain in his thigh. “I think she failed in teaching your Lady how to greet visitors properly.”
Douglas grinned, again, both his obvious pride in and understanding of Maggie showing. “She doesna always learn well. There be a tawse in Alan’s solar and a paddle in Maggie’s bedchamber. I ken ye will need to take both with ye, along with Anice to deal with her when she steps out of line.”
Nicholas thought about what he’d learned and knew even more now that he’d taken on a potentially difficult situation in agreeing to be Maggie’s ward. He had enough problems ahead. He would not put up with misbehavior and disobedience from her. He was not at all opposed to burning a woman’s bottom when necessary , b ut he didn’t need someone else doing what he could do.
“We will take Fia with us, but Anice can stay. Maggie is old enough to get along without a nursemaid. And I can certainly deal with any problems she may cause .”
Douglas gave him an approving look. “I thought as much. In truth, Anice has grandchildren here and wouldna be anxious to go.”
They approached the door to the keep and Douglas glanced back at the bailey. “I will join them in practice now.” He faced Nicholas again, a serious expression pinching his brow. “Ye’ll find the tawse in the desk’s right-hand drawer.” With that he walked away.
Nicholas watched him for a minute, made sure everyone was working hard at practice, and then he walked into the keep. He’d basically just been given permission to thrash the Lady of the castle, not that he needed anyone’s permission. He’d already planned to do so this day. And he was fairly certain she knew as much, since she’d been avoiding him all morning. She had even managed to break her fast before he got to the Great Hall.
As his eyes adjusted to the dimness of the large space lit only by candles and torches, he knew the time of reckoning had come. He needed to make his authority