clubhouse or maybe Griffins? Have her do some undercover work?”
“Actually, that might not be a bad idea,” he replied, scratching his chin.
Fred Gervais, the fifth person in our unit, cleared his throat. “It might not be a good idea, either.”
“You have a better one, Fred?” asked Walters, looking irritated.
Fred, who was only a couple years away from retiring, shrugged. “Not really. But, she isn’t going to find anything. You know that.”
I pictured myself alone and in a biker bar. I’d probably get hit on, but I doubted that any of them would share club information, even if they thought they’d get lucky. “Fred is probably right. Even if I came on to one of them, which believe me, isn’t going to happen, I doubt they’d share anything. In fact, I’m pretty sure that even the Old Ladies aren’t privy to club business.”
“Relax. We’re not asking you to sleep with any of them. Just start frequenting the places they hang out,” he said. “Obviously, you’d be on the clock and getting paid for it.”
“What if one of them tries having sex with her?” asked Pen, another detective.
“Oh, I’m sure they will. All she has to do is decline the invitation. This particular club isn’t known for violence against women,” said Walters. “Anyway, I’m not asking you to do anything that I wouldn’t do. Just ask a few questions, visit the place a few times, and keep your eyes open.”
“Okay. I can do that,” I replied, relaxing.
Walters nodded. “Good. I’ll see if we can get Michelle Thomson to go with you. She hasn’t been out on the streets much yet. I doubt anyone would recognize her.”
Michelle was also new and had been assigned to the Gang Suppression team. “Okay. Thanks.”
Walters turned to the board behind him and began writing. “Let’s shoot for Thursday. We’ll have you two visit Griffin’s, from four to six. Two women going to Happy Hour. No drinking, of course.”
“Maybe they should and just nurse them,” said Fred. “Might be a little suspicious if one of them isn’t drinking booze.”
“He’s right,” I replied. “Especially a dive like that.”
“By the way, how do you know when Happy Hour is, boss?” asked Bronson, smiling.
“Same way you should know. From surveillance. Know your enemy,” said Walters. “Just like it’s important to know the best times to order chicken wings, nachos, and deep fried mozzarella sticks.”
“Their burgers are pretty good, too,” said Fred.
“You too, huh?” said Bronson chuckling. “I suppose you both know when the sexiest strippers are dancing too?”
“None of them come out until after eight p.m. now,” said Fred. “So, during the day, it’s just a regular old bar and grill. The place has recently changed, probably because of Tank’s Old Lady, Raina.”
“Good to know,” I said, relieved. At least during our reconnaissance I wouldn’t have to stare at naked women bending over and gyrating in front of me.
“Speaking of burgers,” said Walters. “You may as well use that as your excuse for trying the place out. Tell them you heard they were the best in town.”
“Sure,” I replied, already on it.
“And sit at the bar so you can strike up a conversation with the bartender,” he added. “I think they might even have a couple of the bikers working as bartenders now.”
“Perfect,” I replied.
“Remember, be flirty but not too aggressive,” he said. “And, dress a little like a biker chick, you know? Jeans and maybe something low-cut. Do you own any Harley T-shirts?”
“No. Afraid not,” I replied, staring up at him.
“Just wear something that shows a little skin then. Not too much though. You want to make it out of there in one piece.”
“What about my hair?” I asked, a little aggravated; I was being treated like I didn’t know what in the hell I was doing. “Should I wear it up like I am now, or look like I just got laid?”
Walters’s eye twitched. He put his