with Alice still reeling from her faux pas with Jack.
Now though, she stood alone, hesitating before reaching up for the doorbell. Nothing happened, her finger just went through it. ‘Oh yeah, I'm dead,’ she thought wryly, stifling more feelings of panic that kept coming in waves. She tried the door handle, but as she suspected, her hand went through it just like it had with the doorbell. Slowly she raised her hand and cautiously put it on the door, gasping as it went straight through. Then she stuck her foot through and eventually her whole body stepped though the closed door. She felt absolutely nothing, it was as if the door wasn’t there.
Once inside, she crossed the hallway and stood outside the closed living room door, feeling like an impostor. On the one hand, she didn’t want to interrupt Jack’s meeting, but on the other, she didn't know where else to go.
She stepped tentatively towards the door and paused for a moment, before silently stepping through the door and into the living room. She looked around for Alice and quickly found her sitting next to Jack, looking totally transfixed by everything he was saying. She stood still for a moment, not sure what to do next. There were about twelve people, she noted, most of them sitting in chairs in a circle, except for a couple of people sitting near the window. There was also a lone man sitting in a corner, away from the others, and looking as if he didn’t want to be part of the group.
There were no windows open, and it felt warm and rather stuffy, with a sweet perfume smell wafting up from an oil burner. The curtains were half drawn, giving the room a dark, subdued feel, and several candles were lit, their flames throwing shadows that were gently dancing against the wall, creating a calm and tranquil atmosphere.
The only sound came from an old antique clock, ticking rhythmically on the mantelpiece, and Jack’s velvety voice talking to the group quietly and slowly.
“ You need to clear your minds of everything,” he said, softly. “Remember, you wrote your problems and negative thoughts on that piece of paper earlier and threw it away. There really is nothing to stop you from focusing on that imaginary blank screen in front of you.”
Jemma stood quietly behind Alice as she contemplated what to do. She somehow had to make Alice aware that she was there, but how?
“ Hey, Alice,” she whispered in Alice’s ear, hoping that she would somehow turn around and say ‘Oh, hi Jem, what are you doing here?’
But, of course, there was no response. Nothing.
“ Alice, it’s me,” she said a little louder.
Still nothing. Alice remained quiet with her eyes shut, listening to Jack. There wasn’t even a shiver of reaction to her presence. “So much for your bloody psychic skills,” she muttered.
She had another look around the room. Everyone was sitting concentrating quietly with their eyes shut, except for the two people near the window. On closer inspection, Jemma noticed that one of them was a young girl, probably about 8 or 9 years old. It crossed her mind that it was a bit odd that someone would bring a child to something like this. The other person was a man who looked like he was in his thirties, maybe the girl’s dad. Actually, he was quite cute. He had a beautiful, sculptured mouth, a bit like Johnny Depp, and the most striking green eyes she had ever seen.
“ Hello Hot Lips,” she murmured, seductively, briefly forgetting her ordeal and enjoying the fact that she could say whatever she liked without anyone hearing her. “I bet you know how to kiss a girl.”
She looked over at the solitary man sitting in the corner of the room. His cold, beady eyes seemed to be staring right through her and she felt a shiver run through her as she turned away. “I bet you’re a barrel of laughs,” she muttered.
Turning back to the group, now looking like they’d gone to sleep, Jemma wondered how she was going to get Alice’s attention.
She tried