from Japan. But his vamp-dar had picked up Megan and he was checking her out. The Japanese vampire was looking at an older man at the other table, so whatever was taking place was mutual.
“Looks like someone is interested in you,” Ms. Johnson observed.
“Oh to be less than a century old,” Mr. Johnson sighed.
His wife punched him again.
Meanwhile Steve was pulling into the parking lot in front of the club which resembled an old barn. There were ten cars out front and one of them belonged to Megan. He parked his car off to the side of the other ones so as not to attract attention. Mortals weren’t supposed to be allowed into the club, but Megan had slipped him into it in the past since she was friends with the owner. He stood by his car and looked at the ground. It had seemed a long time ago, but he had been here last year with her. Why had things gone bad between them? All he wanted to do was please her.
Steve walked up the ramp into the barn slowly. He got halfway up it when he looked down and realized he was wearing the same clothes he had slept in on the couch. He was going to stand out. This was an elegant crowd. Although the club lacked a dress code policy, it didn’t really need one. Everyone there knew what was expected of them and they wouldn’t dare dress down much. Do it too often and you wouldn’t find yourself on the invite list.
He walked up, grabbed the door by the handle and pulled it open. Then he walked into the club.
Steve stood at the entrance and let his eyes adjust to the lighting on the inside. Contrary to popular belief, vampires could not see in the dark. Like cats they had extremely good night vision, but still needed a source of illumination. Too much light hurt their eyes, which is why they wore shades in the evening.
Steve saw Megan at the bar. But she wasn’t by herself. She was with a huge guy whose arms made two of him. The guy had a shaved head and was dressed in a suit and tie. They were getting awful close, almost making out. He had his hands all over Megan and she didn’t seem to mind it in the least bit. They were talking in hushed voices and, although there was no music playing in the bar, he couldn’t hear a word they said.
Steve didn’t notice the stares he was getting from the other guests in the club. Everyone quit talking and just looked at him. They watched in astonishment as this mortal had the balls to come into their space and walk up to the bar. The club owner was already running an interception when Steve walked up to Megan.
“Megan,” he blurted out. “Why did you leave? What did I do wrong?”
Megan turned her head from the man she had been talking to into the direction of Steve. She might have been on the curvy side, but she jumped down from the bar stool as if she weighed less than air. Megan went right up to Steve and put her face two inches from his.
“Who told you to follow me?” she demanded.
The club owner stopped a foot away from them. Best to let the two sort it out.
“I-I-I…” was all Steve could say.
“That’s it Steven!” she yelled and everyone in the bar heard her. “Now you’re stalking me and I won’t tolerate it. I want you to go home to your damn computer games, your miniature figures, your little boy plans and whatever you happen to be into this week. I’m not putting up with you any longer! Now get out! Do you understand basic English or do you want me to teach you that too?”
Steve was at a loss for words.
“Oh the hell with it,” she said grabbing Dominic from the bar. “Can you take me somewhere else? I want to get away from this loser!”
“I’ve got my car here,” he said. “But Suzi is still…”
He looked back at the table where he had been sitting. His date had her legs wrapped around the man she had been looking at.
“Yeah,” he said, “I guess we can go.”
Megan grabbed him, hauling Dominic out of the door.
Steve was left standing where he had been, still trying to figure out what had