and memoranda, that she might order their contents and draw from them a fair account of my life for the edification of posterity. There is no one in whose understanding or safekeeping I place a higher trust; no one whose pen is so well-suited to the instruction of an admiring multitude. With such matter at hand, not even Jane may fail to write. I should like her to entitle the work ‘Memoirs of a Gentleman Rogue.’ Miss Austen is to be the sole beneficiary of all proceeds from the publication and sale of the aforementioned work, to which my surviving family may have no claim. Neither are they to attempt to prevent its publication, upon pain of pursuit by my solicitors in a court of law.”
Mr. Chizzlewit raised his eyes from the paper and studied me drily.
At such a moment, in contemplation of his own death, much might have been said. But it was like Lord Harold to utter not a syllable of assurance or endearment; not for him the maudlin turn upon Death’s stage. He had probably believed this testament would never be read—but in the event it was, had been all business as he wrote: brisk, ironic, cynical to the end.
“Once the protests and objections of the family were laid aside—once all talk of contesting the Will’s provisions in court was at an end—I attempted first to fulfill the bequest in Southampton,” Mr. Chizzlewit said, “but learned that you had already quitted that city. It has been some weeks since I was able to trace you through your brother, Mr. Henry Austen of the London banking concern, and fixed the very hour you would be arriving in Chawton.”
“Good God,” I murmured blankly. “Is this a joke?”
“I fear not.”
I rose from my seat and took a turn about the room, agitation animating my form. “All his papers—! His most intimate accounts—! He must have been quite mad!”
“So His Grace conjectured. The Sixth Duke should rather have burnt the lot, than seen such a legacy pass into the hands of a stranger. Blackmail is the least of the ills Wilborough forebodes.”
“Well may I believe it.” At the thought of the outraged peer and his anxieties, I could not suppress a smile. “How is it that so much as a fragment of Lord Harold’s papers has survived His Grace’s wrath?”
“Lord Harold, being of a peripatetic habit, formerly made the chambers of Chizzlewit and Pauver the repository of his documents,” the solicitor answered primly. “It has been a heavy charge. Our premises have been violated no less than four times in the past decade, as we believe with the specific object of robbing Lord Harold of his papers, requiring us to stoop to an almost criminal ingenuity: to greater measures and vigilance—as well as the addition of a variety of locks. I must warn you, Miss Austen, that there are many who would not hesitate to incur bodily injury in order to secure a glimpse of these papers, or to excise their own names from mention within them. It is a powder keg you observe before you, ma’am, in the form of a Bengal chest. I do not envy you the responsibility of shepherding his lordship’s legacy.”
“May I refuse it?”
Mr. Chizzlewit scrutinised me in silence.
How could I refuse it?
All the mishaps and alliances, the seductions and great passions—the acts of heroism or cowardice that might be contained within that Bengal chest! —Written, without flinching, in Lord Harold’s own hand. It was possible he had even set down something of his sentiments towards
Of a sudden I was tempted to fall on my knees before the iron hasps and force them with my fingernails.
“I am empowered in the present instance only to discharge my duty,” Mr. Chizzlewit rejoined. “What you do with the papers is your own affair. Read them—burn them—despatch them by the London stage to His Grace the Duke of Wilborough.
do not care.”
But Lord Harold had cared very much indeed.
With such matter at hand, not even Jane may fail to write.
Lord Harold had been determined to