the quickest way to get them invested in the show. We’ll quickly add an announcement to this episode and begin accepting idea entries.” Jimmy began making notes on a scratch pad that was on the conference table when they arrived.
“Uhm, one final note you should be making,” Nate continued. “I’ll select the winning entry.”
“That’s unreasonable. I’ll have to live with whatever you and this mystery viewer come up with. I’ll never agree to it.” Mia tried to regain control by delivering her stance of disapproval after rising to her feet and eyeballing Nate.
“Mia, you really don’t have a choice. You’re under contract, remember?” Sandy reached up and squeezed Mia’s arm.
“The reality show diva is never too far from the surface.” Nate said as he crossed his arms.
Mia caught the tone of satisfaction in his voice. “It must feel good to hear those words directed at someone else for a change.” Mia snapped as she reclaimed her seat.
“As a matter of fact, it does. It feels real good,” Nate smiled.
Over the next several weeks, Mia was living the life of an interior designer. Her television persona had a real purpose. This was the life she intended. A life she could get use to. Thanks to Nate’s superb decorating skill, hate mail quickly turned into letters of adoration. She even had a blog where she gave advice on fashion and how to apply those concepts to the home just as Sandy had suggested. The tabloids had become bored with her and the reputable mags were begging her to grace their covers. Even Nate seemed to embrace his role as her knowledgeable sidekick. He pleasantly coaxed her suggestions in the right direction all the while allowing her viewers to believe all the great ideas were hers. It was almost too good to be true. Mia sat on the floor of her naked living room checking the email account associated with her blog— Mia’s Fashion Designs.
Ms. Mia,
Your suggestion of reviving my favorite ripped jeans with lacy ribbon and velvet swatches was on point. I loved it so much I used the famous Mia fashion transference technique to change the look of my bedroom drapes. By the way, I entered an idea for your loft remodel. When I saw the before pics of your home, I couldn’t believe it. It takes guts to let your viewers help but I have a feeling you’re in good hands with Nate.
Of course, you have such great ideas. Don’t you find Nate a distraction?
Nate was definitely a distraction. Mia's stomach felt queasy every time she stopped long enough to think about what Nate would do next. When he first hollered at her in the parking garage some months ago, she had found him to be overbearing. A man who liked to throw tantrums and make threats to get his way—she knew just how to handle men like that. The laser-precise over-handed throw of her apple had proven that. But truthfully, considering the way he stomped off the set that first day and then offered up her loft for a remodel with the help of their viewers, it’s a wonder he was going along with the program so easily. Although she found the work environment had become more agreeable, she was still being kept on the outside looking in when it came to the details of her loft remodel. The teasing way she squeezed his biceps and bumped hips with him as they hung wallpaper, curtains or any other home adornments that brought them in close proximity, was becoming more than a ploy to soften him up on the show. She also hoped the banter would compel him to go easy on her during the loft remodel. Hoping might not be enough; I'm going to have to find out what he's planning.
The address to the next home site was a week overdue and Nate was just waiting for the next stage of his plan to begin. While he detested playing protégé to the dark brown sugar that had hijacked his camera time and he abhorred how Jimmy took credit for every home project his firm secured. The only peace he relished was in knowing the