where his guys surrounded him. In a small department like this, they didn’t have the luxury of just SWAT duty. Everyone pulled double duty, sometimes triple duty. Gavin operated differently. Being a former SEAL he operated under the teamwork concept. His team had been handpicked and they stayed together. So Gavin had his guys work and sit together in the same office space regardless of their duties.
Gavin had dumped the SWAT team the city had prepared and started over. It had caused a little ruffle in a department rich in traditional police structure. Chief Ortiz had taken a lot of heat over that little maneuver and as a result threw a tantrum about Gavin’s way of doing business. Ortiz could fight his little turf war with the city council and the other politicians that ran Victoria. Gavin wasn’t about to let Ortiz fuck up his mission.
“That’s why you’re in the shit you’re in and that’s why the feds sent my ass here,” Gavin recalled telling Ortiz.
The War on Terror was creating some unholy alliances between organized crime and terrorists. As Gavin flipped through the folder, he noticed that was exactly what was about to happen here. Jorge Rivera was probably hoping to make some serious cash playing underground railroad for terrorists wanting to get into the country undetected. He frowned as he saw another name in the folder. It was an operative from a cyberterrorism organization out of Panama. Mara Veintidós, or M-22.
Gavin took out his personal cell phone and made a call to Randolph Air Force Base.
“Mac? It’s Walsh,” Gavin said.
“Badass? How the hell are you, boy?” the man on the other end answered.
“Doing good. You?”
“Pretty fair. You ever get through that pansy-ass FBI school?”
“Yeah, I did. It was more like summer camp,” Gavin scoffed.
Mac started laughing. “What’s on your mind?”
“You guys still working the M-22 thing?”
“Maybe, why?”
“Talk to me about a guy by the name of Esteban Ramirez-Merles.”
“He’s a computer hacker, why?”
“Ran across his name in a case I’m working. As a matter of fact I’ve seen it a couple of times. I remembered it from that cartel thing. I worked with O’Connor and your twin over at Little Creek. Fucking Switchblade practically sent me to live down in Panama. And last year I worked a case where he used an alias. I was able to get Rock’s help with tracking the guy while he was at Dam Neck with Dixie,” Gavin said.
“Where the hell are you?”
“I’m down the road, Victoria, Texas, about an hour and a half northeast of Corpus Christi,” Gavin answered.
“No shit! That was fast!” Mac exclaimed.
“What?” Gavin asked, furrowing his eyebrows
“You pissing someone off so fast that they’ve already got you reassigned to BFE!” Mac howled as he fell out laughing.
“Fuck you, Mac. Believe it or not I actually volunteered for this duty.” Gavin chuckled.
“Yeah and I volunteered for Greenland!” Mac howled once more.
One of Gavin’s men stood at the doorway. Gavin waved him in and motioned for him to sit down. The man entered and sat.
“So? Can you tell me anything? Have you heard from him again?” Gavin asked.
“I believe Rock might have something on that one. Captain’s gone to Coronado on a TAD…” Mac started.
“Captain? Rock? What the hell? They run out of commanders to promote? Was Rock the last one left? Did they make JJ Command Master Chief?” Gavin exclaimed.
“Dixie promoted Rock about six months ago. He pinned it on after we got here. And shit for brains has to get out of the brig before they make him Command Master Chief. Anywho, about your boy, Rock should be back Thursday, want to come by then?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there early. Should be there around eight thirty. See you then, Mac.” Gavin hung up the call. “What’s up Jimmy?”
The officer in front of Gavin was a young K-9 officer. Jimmy was fresh out of the Marines and the police academy. Out of all of his