with his fingers. It smelled rank, recent. Were there body parts to be found?
Józsi raised his nose to the air and sniffed for clues. Thankfully, whatever or whoever had done this had dragged the bodies off.
Lukina padded in and instantly started howling.
Before his eyes, Lukina was in her human form again, all of five foot two, red curls spilling over her face to hide her tears. “What happened, Józsi? What happened? I was just here a few days ago,” she sniffled.
Józsi stepped outside, pulling Lukina with him and into his strong embrace. “Does Kiba have any enemies we don’t know about?”
Lukina raised her head and looked into his eyes. She looked so sad for her fallen mates that it tore into his heart. “No.”
Rage began to consume him. He wasn’t here for this. “Tell me this isn’t where Ilona lived.”
Lukina shook her head.
His heart calmed down just a tad. “Good. I want to find her and get her out of here.”
“We’re only in the next villa, but she frequently stays near Köröshegy for peace and quiet until they start playing concerts in the summer. I hope she’s made her way back to our villa by now.”
“How far away are we from there? Is the Opeth pack still the dominating pack in Hungary?”
“Yes, and it’s not too far. We can make it through the night on foot.”
“Then let’s go.”
She nodded. They both began running on all fours toward the next villa.
The church isn’t much farther past it.
Józsi nodded, keeping behind Lukina. He didn't like the fact that he'd only been back in Hungary less than a few hours and already blood and humans were in the mix, causing his thoughts to run toward the potential mess awaiting them. With Kiba's unpredictable crazy behavior, who knew what lay in await for them?
Another howl in the distance forced his attention away from Lukina. Is that…
Józsi stopped running and gathered his bearings. Lukina stopped just a few feet ahead of him. What?
Isn’t it obvious?
She nodded inside his head.
Józsi took off running through the forest in the direction of the pained howl, picking up speed until he was practically flying through the woods. Lukina kept up with him though it was difficult for her because he had size and strength over her.
They broke into a clearing and the moon overhead provided some light. In the distance, Józsi saw figures fighting and yelling.
Sprinting closer, he recognized the voices. Kiba’s angry yells weren’t hard to miss. The females yelling were new voices to him. Where was Ilona?
Becoming erect, he ran as a man onto the scene of Kiba standing over two females who were cuddling, shivering in fear.
“I see the old man has finally lost it.” Józsi strutted up behind Kiba.
Kiba turned around, facing Józsi. “What do you want?”
Józsi kept his expression solemn. Years of practice had given him the gift of appearing neutral, almost like the vampires. “I want to know when you decided to start terrorizing the women of our pack.”
“It’s not your pack anymore, you traitor!”
Kiba looked older. His face looked more ragged in the light. He stood hunched over, gray hair falling over his eyes in a loose mess. He looked weak in stature, at least compared to Józsi. His eyes were a pale blue that seemed to be fading in color. The knife in his hand wasn’t all that large, but Józsi noticed bloodstains on the blade. For a moment, he wondered if the old man could really kill another.
“You have a good memory, Kiba. Or you used to. What business do you have with these women?”
“My business with them is none of your concern, Józsi. Why don’t you back off and return to your precious America, like a good little pup.”
Józsi grew annoyed, his jaw clenching at Kiba’s mocking comment. “Did you burn down that village?”
“Maybe I did. But you’ll never know. My scent isn’t anywhere to be found, is it?”
Angered, Józsi stepped forward and took a swing at Kiba, his fist connecting