noticed a queer thing. Though Aili had told us all there was no one in the north wing I noticed some of the glass panes in the windows at the end of the wing were open.
"Are you done?" a voice snapped.
I spun around to find Bean Lyel behind me. Her eyes were narrowed and her lips were pressed so tightly together that they were pale from the force.
"A-almost," I replied.
"Then you're as good as not started, now get away from that window and get to work," she snapped.
I quickened away from the window and to the bed. Bean Lyel took my place at the window and looked out. I glanced over my shoulder and noticed she, too, had her eyes turned to the north wing. She pulled back and shut the window with her.
In a thrice I had the bed done and was handed a dust rag by Bean Lyel. That chore was followed by many others as we swept the floor, stoked the fire, and made the room very comfortable. When all was done the autumn sunlight was dim in the sky. Bean Lyel lit a candle and handed me one before we left the room to the passage.
"Tell Aili I will need your services the day after the morrow," she instructed me.
I cringed, but bowed my head. "Yes, Bean Lyel."
"Good. Now off with you, and keep away from the north wing."
I hurried down the passage. Bean Lyel was as queer a sort as Bruce, but while his nature was teasing hers was not. I returned to the kitchen and Aili met me with candle in hand.
"God be praised, but I was about to look for you," Aili told me as she set a hand on my back. "Didn't Bean Lyel tell you you're not to be in the passages at this hour?"
"No, only that she would like my services on the day after the morrow," I replied.
"Well, she will have them, but she treasures them little if she doesn't warn you to such rules as we have here," Aili commented. "Now let's be off to bed. Tomorrow will be a long day for the both of us."
A small passage off the kitchen led to a row of tiny rooms, one of which was to be mine. There was scarcely room enough to lay down for two people to lay on the mess of straw, but two people it was required to hold. I was to share with Mary. She was none to pleased with the prospect.
"Why am I to share my room?" she whined to Aili.
"Because you're the only one who isn't," Aili pointed out.
"But you aren't," Mary argued.
Aili's eyes narrowed. "That's my perk and one you haven't earned, now stop your grumbling and let her inside."
Mary frowned, but stepped aside. I bowed my head and slipped inside.
"And that's a reminder to the rest of you," Aili called to the others. "There's no leaving the rooms after lights are out except for fire or if the laird calls us. Do you understand?" We servants grumbled our understanding. "Good, now let's to bed, all of us."
Our candles were extinguished and we all gratefully settled down for a long rest. The days were long for the servants, and my first day had been tiring. I had no sooner laid my head down on the straw then I was asleep.
But I was not to stay that way.
At a late hour a noise started me awake. I lifted my head and looked around the small space. Mary lay opposite me on her own bed.
"Mary?" I whispered.
I heard only the faint wisps of a snore from her. It wasn't she who made the noise.
There! I heard it again! There was a faint sound of footsteps and the chink of a plate.
I slipped off my bed of straw and peeked out the door. A weak light shone in the kitchen, and a small shadow flickered on the wall to the left. My heart quickened as I thought of thieves, or worse. Such a danger as exposing a thief was worth the risk of a stern reprimand from Aili. I crawled out the door and to the kitchen where I peeked around the corner.
A light retreated from the kitchen and into the dining hall. I struggled to my feet and stumbled after the figure. The door to the hall was slightly ajar, and I peeked through in time to see a short figure slip into the entrance hall. I opened the door and my feet patted quietly along the cold stones to the