for those children and they wouldn’t, because she knew the little ones would blame themselves and Lucy couldn’t have that.
Lucy swung her legs off the bed and made her way into the master bath. “Today, little Roman, we’ll see if I can keep that promise,” she whispered to herself as Lucy stripped and climbed into the shower. Smiling, she remembered their little faces when she had taken them to the zoo for the first time.
With their mother dead a year after giving birth to Roman, the two little ones didn’t know what a normal parent relationship was. It was Lucy who had given them their first glimpse of what that should be like. It was one of the only reasons she had stayed at her job for the last three years, showing the courts she could take care of the two children.
Even though she had a trust fund in the bank, she refused to touch it until the children were in her custody, fully legally hers. Then, as a family, they would decide what they were going to do.
Twenty minutes later, coffee in hand, Lucy was on her way to the home. Either they would have the children ready for her, or today she would be saying goodbye to them. Which would totally destroy her. “They’ll be mine,” she growled into her cup, pulling into the children’s home.
Lucy turned off the car, staring at the large cement home. She had been lucky to slip out of the house before her mother had gotten up, but then again her mother had given her the riot act last night before she’d passed out. But as she walked down the sidewalk to her car, Lucy knew Nolan and Duke were watching her. As she glanced back at the house, she saw them standing in the door.
She shook her head and turned off the car, getting out. Those two men could make any woman’s panties wet just looking at them. Lucy stepped up to the front door and was buzzed right in.
Mrs. Moonstraw met her at the door smiling. “Are you ready for today?” she asked.
“My stomach is in knots. This is either going to crush me or make me the happiest person in the world,” she said, knowing the woman knew what she was talking about.
“Well, if it helps, right now I feel the same way you do. Those children deserve to go to you. You have given them something that no other adult has their whole life and I know you would be perfect for them. Let’s just hope the judge agrees.” She led Lucy through the halls to a small office/courtroom where another social worker, head of the house, and the judge waited for her.
“Ms. Ballard, thank you so much for meeting us earlier than planned. I have a brutal caseload ahead of me and I wanted to start the day off right. Please, have a seat,” Judge Gallen said, nodding to the chair.
Lucy took a deep breath and sat down at the table, staring at the papers lying in front of her frowning. She looked up and the judge smiled. “Yes, Ms. Ballard the children are going home with you. All ties to their father have been cut. They are now legally your son and daughter. How could I not give them to a woman with a heart as big as the size of Texas. The glowing recommendations from everyone we’ve talked to only backs what my social work found. Congratulations, you have a pile of papers there to sign. The ones on your right are your papers. Both children will now carry your name, their new birth certificates are in there also for you.”
For 30 minutes Lucy filled out paper work, feeling like she was in a dream. She was now a mother, something Lucy had dreamed of being for years. They might not be hers by blood, but they were hers in her heart. Signing the last paper, Lucy stood, placing all the legal documents in her briefcase/purse, and looking up at Mrs. Moonstraw.
“Are you ready to tell them the good news? We have had them pack their belongings, but told them nothing. We thought you would like to tell them,” she said.
Lucy went up to the older lady and hugged her tight. “I can’t thank you enough for all of your help.” She stepped back,