you've eaten since breakfast.'
Normally Jenni wasn’t fond of the stuff, but now chilled milk had never been so welcome. She gulped it down like a thirsty child. 'When I got off that bus I thought I'd been dropped in the back of beyond. All I could see was the swirl of dust and a track leading off goodness knows where. I was trying to summon up the strength to grab my things and start walking when I just flaked out. I don't normally do that,' she added sternly as if Matt was likely to argue the point.
'No, ma'am,' he agreed civilly, 'but our truck coulda killed you. No one drives fast out here. In the bush you never know what's gonna loom up in front of your truck. But Ross musta got eyes like a hawk to pick you out in all that dust!'
Jenni didn't want to think about Ross McDonnell's eyes…
So he might have killed her! ‘Probably wishes he had,’ she muttered sotto voce . ‘Wouldn't that have saved him some aggro!’
She drained the plastic beaker and demanded with a frown, 'Dr Blarney. Is McDonnell some kind of a nut?’ In his white coat Matt looked far more the professional doctor than Ross McDonnell, and Jenni instinctively felt that here was someone who would take her part. ‘For some reason he’s decided he wants me out of here. I must find Paul! Where oh where is Paul?’
The hand plucking at Matt's sleeve demanded reassurance. In spite of its smallness it was a workmanlike hand, short-nailed and slightly rough-skinned. 'I'm under contract, I asked to come here, specifically. Surely Dr McDonnell hasn't the authority to order me back to the UK? I really need to see Paul!’
The young American pulled a rueful face. The girl kept asking for Father Paul like she couldn't wait another moment to see the guy... which was kinda interesting and unexpected. 'You do look, well, kinda like the sun's gonna frizzle you up,' he said kindly. 'Ross is afraid you ain't gonna cope with the climate. He said he felt sorry for you last night, you looked so washed out. So he left you to sleep in and enjoy the more leisurely bus trip.'
Jenni's jaw dropped. Did Ross really say that? Could that be true?
Some of Matt's pronunciation took a bit of getting used to. Leesurely ... not the most obvious description of the ride.
'Dr Blarney, I'm tired and I’m confused.’ The bright curls danced in a halo as she shook her perplexed head.
'Hey babe, just call me Matt,’ he said quickly. The "doctor" bit is just a courtesy title. Back home in Alabama I'm still in med school.’
‘I thought you looked a bit young to be qualified.' Jenni hitched herself back up on the treatment couch and examined Matt Blarney with heightened interest. Here at least was someone she was going to enjoy working alongside. 'Which medical school. Matt?'
'University of Austin, Texas, yes ma'am!' he told her proudly, rocking back and forth on his cowboy heels. 'Got another eighteen months before I earn my MD.'
'And you volunteered for this?'
He nodded. 'Yup. I'm out here with the American branch of IMR.' Jenni looked blank. 'International Medical Relief,’ he explained. ‘IMR funds people interested in giving some time to medical work in Third World countries. Back in med school I'm gonna have to run to catch up, but I surely don't begrudge one second. Reckon it's the experience of a lifetime, comin' out to help Africa.'
Jenni felt a rush of warmth towards this enthusiastic young man. She thrust forward an eager hand. 'I'm very glad to know you, Matt. I'm Jennifer Westcott Registered General Nurse. RGN, that is.' Her hand was immediately grasped and pumped up and down for several minutes longer than strictly necessary. She made no attempt to withdraw her own hand from Matt's warm clasp. It was surprisingly comforting to experience friendly physical contact after McDonnell's hostile attitude.
The new nurse had a real cute habit of wrinkling her nose when she smiled, noted the intrigued young American. And good for her, she could smile! He knew a good