fighting one another.
Don’t try to “save up” sperm by avoiding intercourse for a week or more before ovulation. This period of abstinence will lower sperm production, and it will result in the release of a large number of old sperm cells, which are less likely to achieve fertilization.
Also, keep in mind that the slippery, clear fluid or gel that is released prior to ejaculation contains live sperm. This pre-ejaculate is designed to protect the sperm by neutralizing acids in the urethra and vagina. Don’t confuse the release of this fluid with premature ejaculation; when ejaculation occurs, the prostate will release a greater supply of fluid that will allow the sperm to travel in the vaginal canal.
If you’re having trouble getting pregnant, you probably don’t care about the sex of your child—you just want to have a healthy baby. But, to the degree that you can choose, some people like to try to tip the scales in favor of one sex or the other.
It’s the sperm that determine the sex of the baby. The male sperm (with Y chromosomes) tend to be smaller, lighter, faster, and more fragile than the female sperm (with X chromosomes), which tend to be bigger, heavier, slower, and longer-lived. While these methods are far from foolproof, evidence does suggest that the timing of intercourse can influence the sex of the baby. Consider the fact that fraternal twins (which come from two separate eggs) tend to be the same sex, and they would have been fertilized at the same time.
Make love using shallow penetration in the missionary position; this will deposit the sperm at the mouth of the cervix and favor the slower-swimming female sperm.
The woman should avoid orgasm; this will keep the vaginal canal relatively acidic, which will tend to kill off male sperm in favor of female sperm.
Make love on the second or third day before you anticipate ovulation. This will allow the longer-lasting female sperm to be present in the Fallopian tube at the time the egg is released from the ovary.
Make love using deep penetration (perhaps in the rear-entry position), which will deposit the sperm at the neck of the cervix, where they can sprint inside the uterus and speed their way up to the Fallopian tubes. In addition, the area deep inside the vagina tends to be more alkaline and more hospitable to male sperm.
The woman should have an orgasm; this will create a more male-sperm-friendly alkaline environment.
Make love as close to the time of ovulation as possible; this will allow the energetic, fast-swimming male sperm to reach the egg first. Also have intercourse on the day following your perceived peak day, just in case you miscalculated.
Skip Oral Sex
The bacteria found in saliva can degrade semen and reduce the chances of conception. Studies have found that saliva significantly decreases sperm motility and progression, causing many sperm to shake and vibrate without moving forward. Both partners should avoid giving or receiving oral sex during those lovemaking sessions in which you are trying to get pregnant.
Don’t Have Intercourse Under Water
While making love in a pool or on the beach can be erotic and exciting, under-water intercourse can undermine your chances of conceiving a child. The chlorine found in the pool water can alter the vaginal pH level, and the presence of any water can wash away or alter the all-important vaginal mucus, which helps the sperm work its way to the awaiting egg.
Avoid Commercial Vaginal Lubricants
Massage oils and lubricating jellies, liquids, and suppositories may enhance lovemaking, but they may inhibit babymaking at the same time. Many commercial lubricants can interfere with the sperm’s ability to make its way through the reproductive tract. Oil-based lubricants, such as petroleum jelly, can alter the vaginal pH and damage sperm. Even water-based products (usually marked “safe to use with condoms”) can slow down or trap