he’d feel about the situation. “You mess with my
woman, and you can expect to fuck with me.” His arm remained
steady. “Now drop the gun…nice and slow.”
The man dropped the gun and ran to the back
of the cabin. Tony flipped the safety on the 9mm, shoved the pistol
into the back of his jeans, and ran after the shooter without
losing a second. He tackled him in the doorway to the bedroom.
“Let me go. I wasn’t gonna hurt her, man.”
The gunman tried to twist out from under Tony, but he already had
one of the guy’s arms flung behind his back. “She owes me…all that
flirting and attitude she gave me earlier.”
“Tell Big Roy in the slammer. He loves to
teach men who hurt women what it means to show some respect around
a female.” Tony laid his hip against the man’s arm. “Jolene! Bring
me the cuffs from my bag.” He leaned down and whispered, “Lucky for
me, Big Roy owes me a favor. I’ll make sure he introduces himself
to you.”
Chapter Five
Tony strolled around the house with the
headset of the satellite phone stuck to his ear and talked in a
loud voice to Bryce. Jolene shook her head and snuggled down in the
corner of the couch. He’d worked for the last hour with that
contraption, trying to pick up the best signal.
She saw no need for it, here in the cabin.
If she had to call someone, she drove down the mountain to the
ranger station and used her cell phone. Pulling the afghan over her
bare legs, she glanced at the clock. Maybe she could convince him
to give it a rest for the night and join her outside for a shower
under the stars. They wouldn’t have too many more nights where they
could enjoy that privilege. Fall would be starting soon up here in
the higher elevations.
“We’ll be here. Thanks, Bryce.” Tony lowered
his arm and carried the phone over to the base station on the end
table. “Sorry that took so long.” He put the high tech toy in the
“Everything okay?” She lifted the blanket.
“Come cuddle with me. I’m cold.”
Tony sat down beside her and pulled her over
onto his lap. “Donovan, Bryce, and Taylor will be here in the
morning to help me put in the new window.”
“That’s great.” She turned to face him. “Did
you find out about—”
“Kevin Jenson?”
She nodded.
“He goes in front of the court next week. In
the meantime, he’s locked up. Besides the charges you are filing
against him for the sexual assault on the boat and aggravated
assault on both of us here at the house, he was also wanted on an
out of state warrant for drug possession and intent to deliver.” He
cupped her breast. “You won’t have to worry about him anymore.”
She sighed and leaned back against him.
“Good. I just want to forget about that mess. Once we get the
windows put in, there will be no reminders of what happened, and we
can get on with our lives. This cabin was meant to hold good
memories and happy times shared with people you love…not…that.”
“It might take a little longer for things to
go back to normal.” He rolled her nipple between his fingers.
“Donovan is going to stay up at Nalley’s Point in the ranger
station for awhile. He’s the one you haven’t met yet.”
She slid her hands around him. “You know all
the guys you work with are welcome here. This is your home too,
He shook his head. “He’s bringing a woman
with him.” He sat her up and helped her off with her T-shirt.
“Don’s been staying at a safe house with a woman under his
protection. The lady goes by the name of Marie. It’s no longer safe
at their location, so I secured the ranger station for him. He
could bring her out here.” He groaned. “I’m going to stay with them
until Marie has to testify. We thought it would be a good idea if
you come too. Donovan thinks it might be better for Marie to have a
female around as the court date grows closer.”
“Of course. I’m glad to help out.” She
shivered. Tony squeezed, tugged, and fondled