herself unable to look away. She swallowed hard. The broad shoulders, his full lips stretched in a grin and his height, she was by no means short, yet he towered over her 5’7”, all of it added to his mysterious appeal. She felt as if she was going to burst in flame, felt the need to be close to him, to have him against her. Oh my…
“Hi Eva. Mum could you tell her to please close her mouth and stop drooling over my friend?” He added as he bent to kiss his mother rosy cheek. “We decided to come a little early, hope it’s not a problem.” He knew full well it wasn’t. “Oh, this is Jake, we have classes together at the university.”
Eva glared at her brother, hesitating between killing her darling brother slowly and painfully or disappearing into a hole and never resurface. ARGH! Why did brothers always think it a necessity to embarrass their little sisters?
Jake smiled and nodded to everyone.
“So, you are Eva. Josh did mention you at one of our LAN fest.” He winked at her, and tried pulling up his pants to his armpit. She felt her cheeks flush a deep red, well deeper then it already was.
“I’m huh…I’m very sorry about that, I mean I never meant to say you were boring…what I meant to say was…that… well…” Before she could force her brain to function again and put her thoughts together, Josh started laughing.
“Ah! It seems you have struck Eva almost speechless, I never thought I’d see the day.”
He slapped his friend on the shoulder and proceeded to ask his mother all about dinner. Jack once again winked at her, and she smiled back. Maybe that evening wasn’t going to be a bust after all. And it wasn’t, nor were the weekends that followed. For the following two months, she got to know Jake well, or so she had thought. He could always make her laugh and listened to her opinions as if they really mattered. He didn’t seem to care that she was a jean wearing kind of girl. He had this way of looking at her that made her feel beautiful. She didn’t even really mind Josh’s annoying comments anymore, as long as Jake would smile and wink at her as if they were sharing a secret joke, she didn’t feel quite so silly. She could endure the slight humiliation her brother caused her, although she did keep track and one day was going to make him pay for them. Jake had this way to include her in their conversation, making sure they never got too involved in their programming discussions. Never did he seem annoyed by her presence, and he would always be in a cheerful mood, although sometimes she thought she saw some emotions darken his usually laughing eyes, but she never dared ask, if he wanted to talk about them he would, and she hoped one day he would trust and confide in her.
Her plans of revenge almost lay forgotten at the back of her mind, still, subconsciously she knew that the thought of asking Jake to the dance was due in part because she wanted to show Ben she was a desirable woman; even to a college man. She remembered talking about it with her best friend Alex. What she was going to wear, and how she would be accompanied by Josh, a man who would easily eclipse all the others at the dance. As time passed however, such thoughts slowly drifted towards the darkest recesses of her mind, lying there forgotten. She remembered the exact moment when she realized Ben was not worth the trouble; he wasn’t even worth revenge. It had been a sunny afternoon, her brother, Jake and herself had been sitting in the living room arguing politics when Josh decided to go get drinks, leaving his sister and his best friend continue their friendly argument. She remembered how she tried to have him admit he was wrong by bending his left hand back , thus getting close to him. When laughingly she raised her face to him to tell him to give up, she found his face to be mere inches from hers. He no longer had a smile on his face; he was looking at her intensely. It shook her, she hadn’t known how to