their house, Jack’s sister Hailey would always cling to me as if I were some safety zone. Soon she started telling me about the weird tapping she heard on her window at night. I thought trees would logically be the cause for the rapping sound, but her room was on the second floor and not in proximity to any trees. She also mentioned how cold it was in her room and that she was scared to be alone there. I realized this was the reason she still slept in her parents’ bedroom at the maturing age of nine years old.
The family’s Golden Retriever Johnny would urinate and defecate all over the basement for no reason and seemed to hate being alone in the house. Despite all these strange incidents, when I discussed the possibility of ghosts, the family would scoff as if the paranormal realm was some figment of my imagination.
Aside from the worsening mood swings and habitual lying, Jack eventually started experiencing something even darker that he couldn’t explain. He would have nightmares and awaken to show me foreign hand marks and fingerprints around his arms. One person alone couldn’t replicate these with their own hands. I became more worried and determined to find a solution.
I began researching negative hauntings and how to remove them but was unsure if this was just a “ghost” or something darker. As a personal experiment, I brought a small bottle of holy water with me one day and left it in the passenger’s seat of the car while I visited inside the house. The family had recently purchased a new vehicle and had several of their cars parked in the driveway. Amazingly, after being inside the house for only a few minutes, all of the car alarms began going off—including my own! I leaned over the kitchen window and saw my car’s lights blinking and the horn sounding off. My car keys were resting in my purse on the kitchen table—no one had touched them. I didn’t mention to the family that I had brought holy water and it was sitting in my car.
Jack’s mother dismissed it as just a technical problem with the new car and turned off the alarms. However, it kept repeating. This happened several times and the family denied it as anything out of the ordinary.
I was baffled and now convinced that something darker was residing in their home. The sacrilegious reaction to the holy water verified my suspicions.
One evening at Jack’s house, I was suddenly awakened with sheer terror. Jack’s bedroom was located in the basement next to the bedroom of his older brother, Lenny. They both reported hearing the toilet seat down the hall slamming in the middle of some nights, along with an overall feeling of uneasiness. Needless to say, I wasn’t a fan of sleeping down there. The unfinished basement proved to be very creepy. All I remember that particular evening was being engulfed with fear and drenched in sweat—no nightmare had ever made me feel that frightened. I felt the presence of pure evil in the room with me and I will never forget that sensation.
I looked over at Mick, Jack’s pet red-tailed boa, and she was coiled up in the striking position while staring at something in the corner of the room—exactly where I sensed the presence. The snake’s heat lamp cast an eerie red glow upon the room that made it feel even more sinister. My heart and mind raced as I glanced around the room, looking for an explanation for why I woke up. But in the back of my mind I knew why. I felt the distinct emotions of hatred and rage turned towards me; whatever was in that room despised me and wanted me to know.
I tried to gently wake up Jack but to no avail. Finally, I resorted to shaking Jack awake, but he lay there asleep, seemingly dead, for over eight or ten minutes. I later discovered that this phenomenon is known as “psychic sleep,” in which it is almost impossible to wake the individual. My feeling of panic was so high I felt like I was being chased by a serial killer. “Come on! Wake up, please!” I whimpered to