explain!” he called to her, and quickly followed to her car. She noticed and began running. With her door thankfully still unlocked from last night, she threw herself into her seat, locked it immediately, switched on the ignition, and tore out of the parking lot. When she looked in her rearview mirror, a plume of dust gave way to a vision of Kemuel caked in red dirt.
“You will not believe who I just left standing in my parking lot!” Callie slammed Serena’s office door closed and pulled the privacy shade down. She turned to face her and continued, saying incredulously, “Kemuel!”
“Uh huh, asshole! When the hell did he get back? What does he think? We can just pick up where we left off?” She sat down on a chair, her right knee bobbing up and down frantically.
“I mean, he’s been gone forever! And he thinks he can waltz right back into my life with some stinkin’ flowers and that will make everything okay? What an idiot, right?” She got up and paced the office.
“Oh yeah, complete idiot. I’m right there with you, Cal.”
“So, you know what I tell him?” She sat down again.
“No, sweetie. What?”
“I basically tell him to fuck off and leave me the hell alone. And the best part of it all, when I saw him, my knees didn’t go weak. I’m so over him, it’s not even funny. Now it’s up to him to take the hint.”
“I’m so happy for you! Here,” Serena said, as she whisked out a couple of water bottles from her tiny fridge. “Let’s drink to your new beginnings!”
Callie smiled broadly as they “clinked”. New beginnings, she mused. Yeah, I know how to do that .
“What am I going to do, Raph?” Kemuel asked, and hunkered down on the sofa in Raphael’s living room, munching on a bag of chips. “She’s never gonna let me near her to even ask about the damn flask. I gotta find that Elixxir, and she’s the only one who knows where it is.”
“Damn shame you blew her off like you did.”
“Hey, what am I here for, anyway? To shack up with some chick and play family? That’s not what I signed up for. That wasn’t in the contract. I’m here to wage war against evil. I’m a Warrior. That’s what I do. I’m thinking I should pass this assignment off to another Warrior. What do you think?”
“Sounds like a plan. I would also ask you to apologize to Callie. Think of what I have to live with, my brother. She and Serena are like sisters. And it’s been a hellish amount of months I’ve had listening to them bitch and moan over you. I now know the myriad ways you can be turned into dead meat. I need you out of my life, man! Figuratively, of course.”
“Of course. All right, all right.” Kemuel got up and tossed the empty chip bag in the garbage can. “I’ll go make nice. But that’s all. I’m done with attachments, and I’m giving the assignment to Nathanael. This is right up his alley, anyway. He’s the bounty hunter. He’s got a knack for sniffing people and things out.”
“You’re right. Good call.” Raphael smacked his hands together and grinned. “I can’t wait to not talk about you at dinner anymore!”
Kemuel punched him soundly on the shoulder, and as he headed out the door, winked and flipped him the finger.
Chapter Three
When Kemuel entered his apartment, it confirmed the fact he’d been gone a long time. An immediate musty odor greeted him when he opened the door, and he could see a thick layer of dust coating every exposed surface. Great , he thought, as he fought with a spider web. I’d better call someone to clean this place up .
He didn’t dare open the refrigerator. The cleaning service could have that bit of fun. Proceeding to his bedroom and his wardrobe, he reached in and grabbed a couple days’ worth of clothing, stuffed it in his saddlebag, and adjusted the sword resting against his back. It would be best to stay at a hotel during the detox. He called a company and