building with Frost’s men at point.
Squad leader Ensign Campbell came up and whispered to the Lieutenant, “Just what are we supposed to find in there?”
Frost was hesitant to enter the building and used the question to pause for a moment longer. “I don’t know for sure.” He swallowed a large amount of saliva, “I’m just hoping it’s good. We’ve lost five men in our company and I’m sure others have lost more.”
“Well, I heard from Crewman Harking that we’ve captured something like fifteen thousand men. I don’t know how we’re going to get them all up on the ships. It seems to me that the transports are already busy enough. I can’t imagine we’re going to stay here longer than we have to. I don’t think we can risk being blindsided by a Confederate cruiser.”
“I don’t know. I don’t think we’d let them stay down here and die. Don’t worry about it. All that’s up to Sykes. Let’s get on with this.”
After placing six detonators around the door, the men stood back and covered their ears in preparation for the blast. When it came, everyone dropped their hands back to their rifles and stormed inside.
Frost and his group met a small number of guards that returned fire. It mystified Frost that they stood their ground to the very last man. He expected them to give up after firing only a few rounds, but they kept at it until they were all dead. Somehow, it tore at him harder than he felt that it should.
As soon as they entered, the group split off into their individual squads and went into different areas. Frost walked up to a desk near the entrance and threw everything on it to the ground. “Campbell, let’s get set up.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Frost to base, come in.”
It took a moment for a response to come in and when it did, it was full of static.
“We’ve entered the building and have set up a makeshift command center. We are proceeding to search the building.”
Frost ordered Campbell to stand guard at the door while he opened a metal briefcase. When opened, it looked empty with black walls on the inside. After pressing some buttons, it lit up and extended a transparent replica of the building. In the projection, green figures represented soldiers of the Order. Blue figures represented any other person the sensor sweeps detected. The areas with no green figures were vague in their appearance. As the men moved out, scanners that accompanied the communicators on their wrists sent back data that updated the display.
The majority of the building was unspectacular with only basic computer systems. An elevator shaft stood out most. It went down to the basement of the building, but didn’t appear to stop. Frost thought that was a bit unusual and was prepared to order a team to investigate. There was no particular reason why, as far as he could see, but he was hesitant to send anyone down there. Despite everything he felt inside, he knew it was his responsibility to gather as much information from the place as possible.
Frost sent the order with reluctance. He wanted to call to the ships for reinforcements, but knew resources were limited. After consideration, he decided this was something he would do with the men he had, regardless of what his gut told him.
As the team he ordered to investigate traveled down in the elevator, the display coming from the briefcase grew taller and taller as there seemed to be no end to the shaft. The men hadn’t reported back yet and Frost grew more nervous by the second. He ordered a second team to wait by the elevator doors in case of trouble.
“Frost, come in Frost,” came in roughly over the radio.
“Go ahead,” Frost said, trying his best to suppress the excitement in his voice.
“There’s a research lab down here and what looks like a docking bay.”
“Can you have one of your men send back the data?”
“I don’t know about that sir. I think it may be in your best interest to come see this for