question.” “Have you ever been raided?” Eli asked in his timid voice. “Well, not in the sense that men have stormed into the house with guns or anything, but we’ve had some close calls where I’ve had to run with my crosser. Don’t worry about it, Eli. If I sense danger, I won’t hesitate to do whatever is necessary to keep you safe.”
The next day, Sara asked Sean to remove Eli’s IV as per Dr. Randall’s orders. His condition had stabilized now and his fluid intake pleased the doctor. Sean pulled a chair over to the right side of the bed and propped pillows behind Eli to help him sit up. Sean positioned a Band-Aid and cotton ball where they could be easily reached and he sat himself down and took Eli’s arm. He straightened it out and started pulling on the tape. Eli winced. “So how old are you Eli?” Sean attempted to get Eli’s mind off the pain. “I’m, um, not supposed to say,” “Oh, OK,” Sean pulled another strip of medical tape off of Eli’s arm. “No one will tell me anything about you. Where did you get all of these bruises from?” “I was beaten while in hiding.” “Who beat you?” “I…I can’t say.” Sean looked at Eli who promptly turned his head away. “You can’t say because you don’t know? Or because you know, but don’t want to say?” “Yes,” Eli said quietly. Sean stared at Eli for a moment and decided to let it go. Sean figured questions weren’t exactly the way to go at this point. “Well, generally, defectors are on the run from Victor Rawlings, so I’ll just guess you are also.” Sean pulled the rest of the tape off of Eli’s arm. Then he used a cotton ball to apply pressure as he pulled out the catheter. “That would be a safe guess.” “Alright,” Sean kidded in a sarcastic tone, “I guessed something right.” Eli didn’t say anything he only looked at Sean. Sean noted Eli had interesting light brown eyes with copper shimmers in the right light. His dark brown/black hair had a coffee bean color and was a bit on the bushy side. Sean could tell Eli wasn’t ready to talk about the ugly details of his life, so he approached from a different angle. “Do you play sports?” Sean stretched a band-aid over the cotton ball. “A little.” “What’s your favorite sport?” Sean gripped his large hand around Eli’s small forearm and held pressure on the band-aid. “Baseball.” “Mine too. I’ll get you better and we’ll get out of here and throw a ball around. Deal?” “OK.” “There, we’re all done with that. I’ll go see what we’re eating for lunch. Be right back.” Sean scooped up all the tape and tubing and threw it in the trash can on his way out the door.
As Sean exited the room and closed the door, Eli let out a painful heave of air. For the first time in about a week, Eli was alone in the room. He had an intense need to scratch his chest but that would prove to be difficult. Eli wore an elaborate padding over his torso to aid in his disguise. His disguise was of the utmost importance. The longer Sean believed him to be a fifteen or sixteen year old boy, the better. The fake name of Eli was short for Eliwese and Eliwese really needed to scratch her chest. She had many wounds and injuries under her custom-made padding; the complex body suit which hid her breasts and shaped her torso like a boy. Luckily for her, she didn’t have much in the breast department to try to hide. However, she did have a slim, delicate waist and round hips. The padding filled in her curves nicely, making her a boy; making her Eli. Eliwese decided to get herself to the bathroom and try to itch herself. She used the cane placed by the side of the bed and hobbled to the door. Her left leg was still splinted but the right leg was strong enough to support her. She locked the bathroom door hoping Sean would be gone for more than a few minutes. After taking care of business she moved to the sink to wash her hands and