one eye, a fractured skull, hundreds of stitches and she had lost over half of her blood. Her lung was punctured and her heart muscle superficially incised as the final plunge of the knife had crunched through her defenceless ribs; a blow that had been meant to kill her but had failed to reach its intended target. One of the surgeons stopped on the way out of the emergency room and spoke with the officer still patiently waiting there.
“It’s a miracle, an absolute miracle! But she’s still here, and I think she’s got a good chance to make it now, fingers crossed.”
Taylor moaned as the phone rang out loudly beside her in the night; it was dark and she had barely been asleep for two hours due to her enthusiastic visitor.
“Get in as soon as you can. You won’t believe this one!” She looked at Kay, longing to share her wonders one more time before she had to leave. Instead she told her that duty called and she had to leave. She laid the spare key on the bedside table beside Kay, and kissed her full on the lips. Flutters raced through her body as the kiss deepened but Taylor pulled herself away; the temptation was deep filled with the reality of what might happen if she stayed longer, the excitement almost clouding her sense of duty and responsibility.
Taylor showered quickly, sad that the scent covering her body had to be washed away, the evidence of the night swirling down the drain. Thoughts gripped her insides; she was moved by what she had felt tonight, stronger emotions than she normally felt orallowed. She got dressed into a stylish professional three piece suit that fitted to her like a glove, her blouse cut low enough to please, but not enough to be unprofessional. Her boots were heeled, lengthening her already long legs, giving her presence and even more appeal. She shook her dark hair out and as it cascaded down her shoulders it shone brilliantly in the light. She sprayed herself with a sweet unisex eau de toilette, the scent a pleasure to both men and women. She stood in the doorway pleasingly picturesque, a handsome woman, captivating beauty oozing from her. Kay looked at her from where she lay and could not believe how the woman looking at her had made her feel. Taylor smiled at her and said, “See you at work, I’ll be discreet, I promise.” She blew a kiss in Kay’s direction. The door slammed behind her, her departure apparent, loud and inconsiderate.
Marcus had received a similar call; he had been asleep for several hours and greeted the news somewhat more enthusiastically than Taylor. He quickly showered and dressed with no time to shave, leaving him looking slightly dishevelled, but ruggedly handsome. Maria turned over in bed and held her hand out to him. He leant over to her, kissed her tenderly on the lips and stroked her hair. She spoke to him. “Be safe, I love you.”
He smiled at her and whispered, “I love you too.” He left the room and paused at his son’s room; he went in and kissed David softly on the head, smiling down at him with the warmth which his child brought him; a love that shone deep within him. He then left the house quietly, always mindful of those he loved the most.
Chapter 4: Discovery
The police resources gathered at the location of the incident, with the Scenes Examination Branch already in the house, combing every inch of it for vital evidence. The POLSA (police search advisor) leading the search team was standing outside, waiting to enter the house once the forensic examination was complete. The search officers, who had been called out in the middle of the night, were instructed by the POLSA to carry out an initial search of the garden and any outbuildings adjacent to the house, prior to entering the house itself. They formed a line, shoulder to shoulder, and walked through the grounds slowly and systematically; it was still dark and they worked under strong beamed specialist dragon lamps. They searched thoroughly for any minute trace of the