hour. Up front.” Price increase. Either someone is getting greedy or they are looking to make a point. It is probably a little of both.
“Little out of my budget.” A lot out of my budget, and she knows it. This isn’t my first romp with her. I look over at Sara and shrug my shoulders.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” She reaches down and pulls out two crisp Benjamin’s out of her purse before handing them to Nancy.
“There is a motel about a mile north of here.” She opens the door and sits down in the back seat.
“We don’t need a motel.” I put the car into drive and take off.
“The new boss won’t like that.” Another change, Nal doesn’t care where the girls go as long as the money was good and they came back in one piece.
“Then he really won’t like this.” I slam my foot on the gas and take aim at the creeper watching the girls. He jumps behind a mailbox moments before eating my bumper.
I make two quick right turns. I need to make my way back towards the interstate, pronto. Shit is about to get real and I’m not about to get lost on some side streets. “What happened to Jason and Mark?”
“Dead. Shawn’s in charge now.” She looks out the back window. She knows the drill. This isn’t the first time I’ve gotten her out of a jam. Something tells me it won’t be the last.
“Seems like a trusting guy.” Two cars swerve around the corner behind us. It doesn’t take long to learn they aren’t friendly. In my rear-view mirror I see the passengers leaning out their windows and start unloading their guns at us.
“Time to learn how to use the gun, darlin’.” I put my hand on Sara’s leg.
“I never thought I would actually have to use it,” she says, taking the gun out of her purse.
In the rear-view mirror, I watch the passengers fire at us with the accuracy of stormtroopers. As long as I can hold this distance, we should be safe. That feeling lasts as long as it takes for me to look at my fuel gauge. I wish I got Nal to throw in a tank of gas. I don’t have enough in the tank for this chase to last more than an hour or so.
“If you aren’t going to use it, hand it here.” Nancy reaches up and grabs the gun from Sara’s hands. “Mitch, I’m sorry.”
“About what?”
She levels the pistol and fires, taking out my back window. Winter is about to get a lot colder. It might finally be time to trade her in.
I turn onto the ramp leading onto the highway and floor it. The two Camaros behind us must be flooring it a bit harder, because they are on my ass within about thirty seconds. Guess the highway wasn’t my brightest idea.
In the backseat I hear Nancy continuing to exchange fire with the thugs behind us. After a minute there is a lull in her shots.
“Out of ammo,” she says.
“Pull down the seat. Should be a few clips in my duffel bag.” It has been a while since our last shots, so our pursuers are closing in. Trying to give them a harder target to hit, I swerve the car back and forth while trying to avoid the traffic. It may be very light for this time of day, but we still can’t afford to get into an accident. I may be possessed by a demon, but I’m still a mortal. Bullet wounds are still fatal.
She nods, pulls out the bag, and starts looking for the bullets.
“I need you to take the wheel.” I look over at Sara. One of us in the car isn’t pulling our weight, and we have to change that. Considering Nancy has the gun, and I have my powers, Sara is the odd one out. I feel bad for her, but there is no other way.
“I can’t do that, I never learned how to drive a stick.” I glance over and notice the tears flowing down her rosy cheeks.
“I can’t take care of our friends and drive at the same time. The highway is fairly straight, just keep the pedal floored and you don’t have to worry about the stick.” I kick the seat release back to get out of her way faster. This move needs to be near flawless to keep our rapidly decreasing lead.