VA and have to stay there.
Tori shook her head , continuing to look around; now focusing on the ground they were walking on. “No Julian, it’s human. I can tell the difference. I smell death and blood, and human decay is distinct.”
Immediately, he thought back to working for the Red River Sheriff’s Department, when he first met the Blackhawks. There’d been a killer taking men and removing body parts. When he and his old boss found the place the corpses were being left, he had his first sniff of human remains. It still stuck with him, and yet he didn’t smell it here.
“Okay Honey, then let’s look around and see what we can find,” he offered, believing that Tori wasn’t going to give up on it. His woman was determined when she was on the trail of something. Julian suspected she missed her job and solving things for a living. This simple life had to be incredibly boring to her. A little more fear filled him, at the thought of losing her again.
Tori dropped to her knees not far from a section of trees. Someone had been there recently. The dirt was all scraped up and disturbed. “How accessible is this clearing?” she inquired, picking up a tiny rock and scraping away some dirt.
“I’ve never seen it before, but we were just aimlessly running through here. I guess Natives could find it.” He watched her carefully. Julian crouched down beside her, inspecting her handiwork.
“Blood,” she answered his unspoken question. “Look!” Tori showed him the rock. “Something bled out right here and soaked into the ground. What didn’t was covered with loosely packed dirt. The rain the other day brought it to the surface.”
“Honey, it may be a camping site. If that’s the case then hunters may have caught dinner here and cleaned it.” Julian looked around, starting to get that off balance feeling. As a tracker, he could find anything, and now his acute training was detecting things previously missed.
Someone had definitely been there, and he wasn’t sure he was buying his own explanation. As Julian glanced around, there were no signs of camping, and they were too far to carry a deer out of the woods in one piece. If someone had been there, they tried to erase all the evidence.
Tori stood , moving toward the dead fire. She placed her hand over it, feeling for heat. Whoever had been there left within the last few hours.
Julian moved around the clearing, searching the grass and bramble surrounding it. There were definitely tracks and someone had been there recently. Julian glanced over his shoulder, seeking out Tori. “Where are you going?” he asked, as she wandered further away.
“I smell it over here more,” she stated, heading toward a cluster of trees and brush. “I think it’s here, Julian!”
The man trotted across the space to stand protectively at her side. Now he did smell it. The pungent odor floated up to meet his nose, and he admitted what he wasn’t before willing to say.
There was most definitely something dead nearby.
The distinctive odor was identical to the first time he came across the dead victims of the town’s serial killer. How she knew with a simply sniff of the air astounded him.
“We have to look,” she said, touching his arm and locking her fingers around his wrist, as if he was her anchor in the oncoming storm.
Julian immediately placed her behind him, for her safety and his mental well-being.
Tori didn’t fight him, since his protectiveness was just part of the man he was inside. Julian could be archaic when it came to her, but it was just his nature. Why go to war against something you had no chance in winning. Julian Littlemoon was sexy as sin, but stubborn as a bull.
Pulling the bramble from the hidden stones, Julian inspected the scene. When entering the area, he never even noticed the cave like structure. Who ever wanted it hidden did a damn good job of camouflaging it with the surrounding area. “Stay behind me and if I tell you run, do