learn all she could. She raised an arm, straightening Devon ’s chair with l evitation, mentally using the move to reassert her control over her world.
Carter huffed. “ Devon ’s working for the Privy Council as a tracker. ” He turned to Devon . “ E xplain that to her later . I’m sure the Council won’t mind. ” He rubbed the bridge of his nose . “ Your father invented a brainwashing technique . I t works through the video feed you saw . The Privy Council believes it now has the only copy . Lanford must have planned to destroy the Council , and probably more. No one outside the Privy Council , and now us , know s ; o ther than the computer tech , and he’s out of the picture now . ” Carter flashed a wry grin . “ We’ve divided the video and audio into four parts . Each has been secretly placed in one of the four corners of Britain .”
Rae froze, saying nothing. What the heck’s the “four corners of Britain ?” She didn’t know and at th at moment, she did not really care , either. Her father had not been much of a dad, let alone a man, and Carter ’ s words confirmed it to a degree she had not experienced before. “What’s this got to do with me?” And how could I hear audio when no one else did?
“I’m not completely sure. I just thought—” Carter began but Rae interrupted before he could finish.
“That I might become brainwashed and turn into my father?” She blinked, surprised at her own words . Deep down, she wondered how much more she could accomplish with her tatù th an her father. Her parentage was a weighted yoke she wished she could throw off. However, she knew her parentage effected much more than just her in their world. “Sorry, I guess that was uncalled for.”
Carter nodded, as if understanding her inner thoughts or agreeing with her. “Not to worry. You appear to be completely yourself.” He gave her a small smile, which failed to reassure her in any way .
“What do we do?” Devon asked the headmaster .
“ T he Council wanted you to be aware. I f something should arise, you’ve been informed . We hope to find a way to disable the brainwashing but, at th e moment, we’re not willing to risk any of our men to find a solution.”
“Why hide the information? Why not just burn it?” Rae asked.
“ There’s no proof this is the only cop y. So w e need to find a way to disarm the brainwashing in case another copy ever surfaces . Until we are better prepared , and have more information, we can’t destroy it. ”
When he did not continue, Rae rose . She turned, grab bed the chairs and stack ed them against the others , keeping her hands busy so she didn’t freak out.
“ I’m sorry that this is the new s I greet you with on your first day back. ” The concern on Carter’s face gave her pause .
Real or part of some act? I didn’t trust you last year and I’m not about to hop on the band wagon, even if Devon already appears to be on board. “ I’m glad you told me . ” It was shocking , but it didn’t really change anything at the moment. In a weird way, she felt empty. “ I don’t like what I’ve heard , but what am I going to do? I don’t get how I wasn’t brainwashed that night , but I’m glad it didn’t happen . ” She shoved her hand s in her pockets. “You want to know something else? I’m glad Lanford slipped and killed himself. If he had been successful, I would’ ve been his pawn. It didn’t happen, so it doesn’t matter.” She shrugged her shoulders. She disliked herself for sounding so cold . I t reminded her of her father. She almost wished he was alive . She would burn him the way her mother had . The large room suddenly felt stifling. S he wanted fresh air and sunshine.
“If Devon ’s available this evening, get together. I know you were only six when your father died, but anything you can remember could help the Council . Sometimes the odd memory pops up…” He sounded hopeful. He straightened his suit jacket and